Sedation Dentistry (Anxiolysis)

Sedation Dentistry

Your comfort is important.  There are many reasons why 50% of the population put dental care at the bottom of their healthcare list.  Many patients are fearful, they have suffered bad experiences in the past, and may need extensive dental care.  We offer relaxation dentistry, including Nitrous Oxide (laughing gas) and Oral Sedation, to make your dental visits more comfortable.

Am I a Good Candidate for Sedation Dentistry?
This is a good solution for people who:
*Struggle with sensitive gag reflex
*Experience a low pain threshold
*Have sensitive teeth
*Can’t sit still in the dentist’s chair
*Need long appointments for extensive work

Nitrous Oxide
Many people know nitrous oxide as laughing gas.  In our office, we administer nitrous oxide to enhance comfort and relieve anxiety for patients of all ages.  After you are comfortably seated in the dental chair, you will inhale the gas (a nitrous oxide and oxygen mixture) through a face mask. You will begin to relax and will not recognize pain.   After the treatment, the nitrous oxide is turned off, and oxygen is administered to help flush any remaining gas.  The effects wear off almost immediately.  You will be capable of driving yourself home after the visit and can continue your daily activities as normal.

Oral  Sedation
Oral Sedation, also called anxiolysis, involves taking a pill the night before and an hour before the dental visit.  Sedation Dentistry is the process by which you are sedated and still conscious; however, you are in a relaxed state and often do not remember the procedure at all.  A companion will need to bring you to the appointment and take you home.  Only qualified dentists can perform Sedation Dentistry.  They must have the appropriate training to ensure the complete safety of the patient.  Dr. Stidham is certified to perform Sedation Dentistry.  In addition to relaxing you, Sedation Dentistry allows for dental work that would have ordinarily taken multiple visits to be completed with only one visit.  This allows you to avoid missing work or other activities, and helps ease your fears about having to repeat a possibly unpleasant experience again and again.

For anxious patients, this new treatment is a miracle.  Your dental health is important and no longer needs to be neglected.  Oral Sedation Dentistry is as simple as taking a pill, then wake up to a new, beautiful, healthy smile.  This invitation is open to you, your friends, and family.  Please call today (863) 533-4331 if you have questions or are ready to begin.

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Hours of Operation

Our Regular Schedule

J. Marie Stidham, DMD, PA


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm





