When Is an ADHD Evaluation Recommended?

At August Pediatrics, we understand your child’s healthy development comes first. However, it can be difficult to tell whether certain behaviors are a standard part of raising a child or signs of a disorder. That’s why Dr. Anissa August, Dr. Lisa Minsloff, Melissa Franklin, and K. Parker Keener are here to help you identify symptoms and, if appropriate, perform a diagnostic evaluation. Read on more to learn about getting your child tested for ADHD in Decatur, TX.

What is ADHD?

Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder is a behavioral and neurological condition that begins in childhood. It’s characterized by a lack of focus, impulsivity, hyperactivity, and trouble concentrating or listening. While many children behave this way at times, parents of children with ADHD find these symptoms cause significant problems in their daily lives.

Currently, there is no known cause of ADHD, although research suggests it is largely genetic with a potential environmental role. However, it’s important to note that the brains of children with ADHD process things differently, and they are not just kids with “bad behavior”. 

Symptoms of ADHD

Symptoms can vary greatly from child to child, which is why it's often tough to catch. However, they tend to struggle in more than one environment (such as at home and at school). Some specific signs include:

  • An inability to complete time-consuming or tedious tasks
  • Making careless mistakes
  • Difficulty organizing tasks
  • Trouble paying attention in school or at home
  • Getting easily distracted
  • Seeming unwilling or unable to listen to instruction
  • Difficulty sitting still and remaining calm
  • Excessive fidgeting or other physical movements
  • Recklessness/appearing to have no sense of danger
  • Constant interruption
  • Inability to wait their turn
  • Forgetfulness

Your child may experience a few or all of these symptoms, including others that aren’t listed. If you suspect your child may have ADHD based on the above, you can call us to set up an evaluation for ADHD in Decatur, TX. Only with proper screening and discussion with your doctor can your child get a diagnosis and start treatment.

Treatment for ADHD

Living with a child who has ADHD can be difficult, but it’s important to remember that their behavior is not their fault. Treatment can help relieve symptoms, reduce stress, and help your child live a better, more fruitful life. Great medications for ADHD exist, and your doctor can recommend one that’s right for your child as well as discuss other therapy in your appointment.

Get an ADHD evaluation for your child today.

If you’re wondering if your child has ADHD, August Pediatrics can help you get answers. Contact Dr. Anissa August, Dr. Lisa Minsloff, Melissa Franklin, and K. Parker Keener at (940) 627-8044 to set up an evaluation for ADHD in Decatur, TX today.

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