ADHD is one of the most common acronyms of all time. Despite this, actual facts about Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) have not gotten so common. Dr. Anissa August, Dr. Lisa Minsloff, Melissa Franklin, and K. Parker Keener with August Pediatrics in Decatur, TX, would like to make sure the most common questions asked are available for everyone.


What is ADHD?

ADHD is a condition where the ability to focus or concentrate is heavily impeded. While everyone occasionally deals with this to an extent, those afflicted are unable to perform adequately in their daily lives. 

What Causes ADHD?

This is not known for certain as it gets noticed at various ages in people. Genetic factors are of high risk, but activities that result in brain damage have also resulted in ADHD.

What Are Some Signs of ADHD?

Symptoms will vary from person to person, but people who have ADHD tend to:

  • Have trouble listening to a conversation without speaking;
  • Have trouble retaining information that was just read; 
  • Forget things they were just told or just read; and/or
  • Blurt out responses rather than wait for appropriate queues.

Note - these are just a few potential signs, not diagnostic criteria.

How is ADHD Determined?

There is no simple test to determine if someone has ADHD. A professional must be the one to make the diagnosis. 

Professionals may often use a test in conjunction with professional assessment, which could include a series of interviews, in order to get a full understanding of the situation.

Can ADHD Be Treated?

Absolutely. There are a lot of options available. First, it will be important to determine the degree of ADHD and possible causes. The assessment process will provide information that will help determine what paths are available to take.

Is Medication Absolutely Necessary?

Not necessarily. There are still options available to treat ADHD, including Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), as well as instituting productive habit cycles. 

If you are in the Decatur, TX, area and have questions for Dr. Anissa August, Dr. Lisa Minsloff, Melissa Franklin, and K. Parker Keener about ADHD, contact August Pediatrics at (940) 627-8044 to schedule a consultation today.

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