FAQs About Breast Feeding

August Pediatrics serves the Decatur, TX, Wise County and surrounding areas with quality pediatric services. Dr. Anissa August, Dr. Lisa Minsloff, Melissa Franklin CPNP, and K. Parker Keener, CPNP meet many new parents with tons of questions about breast feeding. Here is a list of the most common questions to help you navigate this new path, and alleviate any concerns you may have.

Frequently Asked Questions About Breast Feeding

  • How do I know if my baby is getting enough milk? You may be surprised at the small amount of breast milk that can sustain a brand-new baby. This is because the first little bit is something called colostrum, and it is full of extra fat and good things to provide a new baby with everything they need. Keep in mind that a newborn's stomach is also incredibly tiny as well. The main way to gauge if your baby is getting enough during each feeding is to monitor the number of wet diapers they have each day. 
  • Should it hurt? It does hurt at first for many women. As you figure out the proper latch form and your body becomes adjusted to the new "feature" the pain goes away. After a week or so you likely will not feel a thing during actual nursing, but you may feel pain from swelling if too much time goes between feeding or engorgement occurs. Do not hesitate to reach out if the experience continues to be painful because you should not suffer, but also because it may indicate a physical latching issue with your baby. 
  • How long should I breastfeed? An infant should be nursed generally every two hours at first. The current guidelines recommend feeding your baby a diet of strictly breast milk for six months then starting to slowly add other foods at that point, while still providing breast milk as the main nutrition source until slowly weaning as the toddler builds a well-rounded diet, often between 14-24 months. 

Dr. Anissa August, Dr. Lisa Minsloff, Melissa Franklin CPNP, and K. Parker Keener, CPNP serve the community of Decatur, TX, Wise County and surrounding areas with excellent pediatric services. If you have any questions about breastfeeding or need a newborn appointment call August Pediatrics today, at (940) 627-8044.

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