Managing Common Childhood Allergies

When your child is dealing with allergies, it’s important that they get all the care that they need. Allergies can manifest in different ways and different children can have completely different reactions to each allergen. Your child might have mild reactions to allergies or severe reactions that can be life-threatening if you don’t get them immediate care. Allergies can come in different forms and it’s crucial that you understand how you can help to manage your child’s allergies.

Managing Your Child’s Allergies

There are many different types of common allergies that your child might deal with. This could be pollen, pet dander, or certain foods. Reactions can be different for each allergen and your child might have multiple allergies. Reactions can range from mild to severe and it’s very important that you know how to deal with these attacks.

Common symptoms of an allergy attack include:

  • Itchy eyes
  • Rash
  • Stomach cramps
  • Hives
  • Stuffy nose
  • Anaphylaxis

Depending on what your child is allergic to, there are ways that you can help them avoid their allergens. Avoiding allergens is the best way to manage allergies and ensure that your child doesn’t have to deal with the symptoms of a flare-up.

If your child is allergic to pollen, you might want to make sure they stay inside on dry, windy days and that doors and windows are closed when pollen counts are high. If your child does go outside, make sure that they shower when coming inside.

If your child is allergic to pet dander, make sure that you either don’t have a pet or have one that is hypoallergenic. Be sure to clean often and have your child wash their hands after touching a pet.

Food allergies are very common and are easy to avoid. Make sure that you are avoiding cross-contamination and that you alert others when you are ordering food at a restaurant.

Contact Your Pediatrician Today

Make sure your child’s allergies are kept in check. Contact your pediatrician today to learn more about dealing with common childhood allergies.

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