ADHD Evaluation for Children

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, or ADHD, is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects children and adolescents. It appears as difficulty paying attention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity. Dr. Anissa August and Dr. Lisa Minsloff at August Pediatrics play a crucial role in diagnosing and managing ADHD in children. We serve Decatur, TX, Wise County, and surrounding areas.

They may conduct comprehensive evaluations, including interviews, behavioral assessments, and medical examinations, to determine the presence of ADHD. They may also collaborate with other healthcare professionals, educators, and parents to develop a personalized treatment plan. It often includes behavioral therapy, medication, and parental support and education. Pediatricians provide ongoing monitoring and support to help children with ADHD in Decatur, TX, thrive and manage their symptoms effectively, ensuring the best possible outcomes for their overall development.

ADHD Evaluation For Children 

An ADHD evaluation for children is a comprehensive process conducted by a qualified healthcare professional to assess whether a child may have ADHD. The visit begins with a detailed review of the child's medical and developmental history, including information provided by the parent. Our doctor may observe your child's behavior, attention span, and impulse control through structured interviews and standardized rating scales.

We may also monitor cognitive and psychological testing to assess the child's cognitive abilities, emotional functioning, and social skills. We may also evaluate your child's academic performance and school behavior through teacher feedback. The evaluation aims to understand your child's symptoms, behaviors, and functioning in various settings. It may involve multiple sessions and input from different sources to arrive at an accurate diagnosis.

The results can help inform an individualized treatment plan that may include behavioral interventions, medication, and support strategies to address the child's specific needs and challenges associated with ADHD. We conduct the evaluation with sensitivity, respect for your child's privacy, and consideration for their overall well-being.

Your Child's Visit With Our Pediatrician

Your child's initial consultation for ADHD begins with our doctor at August Pediatrics attentively listening to your concerns, taking notes, and asking questions about your child's symptoms, medical history, and behavior at home and school. Our pediatrician conducts a thorough physical examination and may order additional tests.

With patience and expertise, our doctor explains the intricacies of ADHD, including its symptoms, causes, and available treatments. You feel reassured as the pediatrician crafts a tailored treatment plan that may include behavioral therapy, medication, and lifestyle changes. With relief, you can expect to leave the consultation armed with knowledge and a sense of empowerment to support your child's ADHD journey.

Please explore our website to learn about the conditions we treat and the services provided. If you have questions or concerns regarding ADHD and want to schedule an appointment with Dr. Anissa August or Dr. Lisa Minsloff, at August Pediatrics, call (940) 627-8044. We serve the community of Decatur, TX, Wise County, and surrounding areas.

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8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-12:00 pm



