Caring For Your Braces

Visiting Bolingbrook Dental Care for orthodontics is a fantastic way to achieve a beautiful smile you can be proud to show off, but unfortunately, you can't just leave all of the work up to the dentist. Once you have a new set of braces, it will be up to you to take care of them to prevent tooth decay, discoloration and broken wires. Here are some steps you should be sure to follow to keep your braces working for you:

1. Brush, Floss and Rinse Regularly

While brushing, rinsing and flossing are always important, they become especially important once you have braces since there are so many extra places for germs and food particles to hide. Brush and rinse after every single meal and snack and be sure to floss with a special flossing device at least once a day. Ask your orthodontics specialist at Bolingbrook Dental Care for recommendations on the best products to use for a good clean.

2. Avoid Certain Foods

Unfortunately, there are some foods you will need to avoid as long as you have braces. These foods include anything hard (such as apples, nuts or seeds), anything chewy (such as candy) and anything that can get stuck in your teeth (such as corn on the cob or popcorn). Not only do these foods stick to your teeth and your braces, but they can even break your braces, requiring you to visit Bolingbrook Dental Care for orthodontic repair.

3. Visit Bolingbrook Dental Care Regularly

Lastly, don't forget to come in to Bolingbrook Dental Care for appointments as often as your dentist recommends. While dental visits aren't always fun, they are necessary for keeping your teeth clean and healthy, for preventing and solving oral health problems, and for tightening your braces to achieve your best possible smile.

Caring for braces may seem a little time-consuming, but the work is worth the effort! You'll love how amazing your teeth look once your braces come off and you have a beautifully straight, clean smile in their place.

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