The Benefits of Dental Implants

Discover why getting dental implants could just be the best decision for treating tooth loss.

Are you one of the millions of Americans dealing with tooth loss? This problem may be surprisingly common but it doesn’t make it any dental implantsless serious. It’s important that you see your Bolingbrook dentists right away to get the proper treatment you need to help you restore your smile. Of course, one great way to do this is with dental implants.

What are the advantages of dental implants?

There are a multitude of pros to choosing to get dental implants in Bolingbrook, IL including:

The Next Best Thing to Real

A dental implant looks and functions just like a natural tooth. When replacing a single tooth with an implant you won’t need to use neighboring teeth for support like you would with dental bridges. The implant is designed to replace a tooth's root and is placed into the jawbone where it integrates with the bone. If you are looking for a restoration that mimics a real tooth then implants are the way to go.

They Preserve Your Bone Health

Tooth loss also causes the jawbone to deteriorate, which can affect your facial structure and cause other teeth to shift out of alignment. But you can prevent all of this from happening by opting for dental implants. Since implants are biocompatible the bone easily fuses together with the titanium post. From there the implant can then stimulate the jawbone to produce new healthy cells. No jaw deterioration and no changes to your facial structure!

Designed to Last a Lifetime

Other tooth loss options may have a more attractive price point but there is a reason: these other restorations only last a few years before needing to be replaced. Over time, you may end up spending more on new restorations, but once you get implants they are made for life. An implant is built from strong, reliable metal and because it fuses with the bone your implant is meant to last the rest of your life if you care for it properly!

Restore Speech and Chewing

Eating and speaking: two everyday habits that we may take for granted until we lose teeth. Once this happens you may notice that your speech has been affected or that eating some of your favorite foods is a challenge. But before these become a source of frustration know that dental implants can completely restore your ability to speak properly and make it easier to bite into that thick, juicy steak during dinnertime.

This is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to what dental implants can do for your smile and oral health. To find out if dental implants are the best option for you turn to Bolingbrook Dental Care in Bolingbrook, IL. Call us today at (630)739-5500 to schedule your initial consultation!

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