Types of Orthodontic Procedures

Are you interested in knowing how your Bolingbrook, IL, dentists can help you with orthodontics?orthodontics

Your dentists can offer you and your child the dental care you need. They can identify the problems your child is suffering from, create a custom plan according to what needs to be done and, finally, execute the necessary orthodontics.

Types of Braces:

  • Conventional braces, which uses metal strips, or bands
  • Metal or plastic brackets that are bonded to teeth
  • Brackets that attach to the back teeth called lingual braces
  • Invisalign, clear braces usually fit for young adults

What to Know About Braces

The purpose of braces is to fix a bad bite and malocclusions, which is when teeth are crooked or crowded. These issues are noticed between the ages of 6 and 12, so orthodontic treatment usually begins around the ages of 8 to 14, while the child's bone structure is still developing.

The duration of treatment varies from one person to another but can last up to 3 years. The braces move your child's teeth into their proper positions and, after your child no longer needs to wear braces, he or she will need to wear a retainer so their teeth don't shift back into their crooked positions.

Side Effects of Not Having Braces:

If you don't allow your Bolingbrook dentist to fix your child's bad bite, they may suffer from other severe problems:

  • Extreme tooth decay that can lead to tooth loss
  • The deterioration of tooth enamel and formation of gum disease
  • Crooked teeth that can affect speech, chewing and bite

How to Care for Your Braces:

There are several things to take into consideration when maintaining your dental health:

  • Avoid eating certain foods, such as popcorn, corn, sticky foods...etc.
  • Make sure to wear a mouth guard if you're playing a sport.
  • Don't skip your dentist's appointment to ensure braces are adjusted properly and there's no hard-to-reach plaque that can cause gum disease.
  • Floss and brush your teeth after every meal, and make sure your child changes his or her tooth brush every 3 months or when the bristles are worn out or frayed.

For more information about orthodontics and the best options for your child, call your dentists in Bolingbrook, IL, at (630) 739-5500.

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