What are cosmetic fillings?

If you need a cavity filled, there is an alternative for metal fillings at Dental Pointe in Naperville, Illinois. Dr. Rani Seeth and Dr. Sarah Janowski are pleased to offer their patients cosmetic fillings, which are durable and attractive. More information about this treatment is Fillingavailable here:

What are cosmetic fillings?

If a cavity is located on a visible tooth, or a patient does not want a metal filling, cosmetic fillings are an excellent way to conceal dental work. Cosmetic fillings are made from a mixture of plastics (hence their alternative name, composite fillings) and are off-white to blend in better with natural teeth. The materials used for cosmetic fillings are comparable to metal in terms of durability but are much less conspicuous. Patients can also have their metal fillings replaced with cosmetic ones to improve their appearance.

How are cosmetic fillings applied?

The process for placing cosmetic fillings at your Naperville dentist is basically the same as placing those made from metal. Dr. Seeth or Dr. Janowski will start by taking x-rays to determine the location and degree of decay on your tooth. Anesthetic will be used to numb the surrounding area. Your Naperville dentist will use a handheld tool to remove the decay and will finish the process by placing the cosmetic filling material in the resulting space. The final step involves a specialized light being situated on the tooth to harden the filling material. The entire procedure usually takes about a half hour and there is no downtime afterward.

If you think you might have a cavity, don't put off having it treated. With cosmetic fillings, you can smile with confidence because you no longer have to settle for a prominent metal restoration. Contact Dental Pointe in Naperville for a totally new and innovative approach to cavity treatment.

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