Do You Need a Tooth Extraction?

Find out if the symptoms you are experiencing could be warning you that you might need oral surgery.tooth extraction

Sure, no one wants to think about needing to have a permanent tooth removed. After all, once baby teeth fall out and your permanent teeth come in, you don’t really even think about the fact that adult teeth may have to come out at some point. Of course, there are some scenarios in which our Naperville, IL, dentists may recommend a tooth extraction. You may need a tooth extraction if:

You have impacted wisdom teeth

More often then not, this third set of molars that come in around your late teens won’t come in properly or may end up causing issues for surrounding teeth if they aren’t removed. Luckily, you don’t need these molars at all. We will run x-rays once a year to see how wisdom teeth are progressing and whether they need to be extracted. If the teeth are impacted, which means that they don’t fully erupt through the gums, then you will need to undergo minor oral surgery to have these molars removed.

You have sustained severe damage to a tooth

If a tooth has become severely cracked where the crack runs all the way under the gums, then sadly the tooth won’t be able to be saved. Teeth that have sustained severe damage due to a fall or sports injury that are so weak that even placing a dental crown over them won’t provide the full protection it needs means that it’s better to have the tooth removed and then replace with an artificial tooth replacement like a dental bridge or implant.

You have severe gum disease

If you don’t come in for routine cleanings and exams then it’s easy to not even notice that you could have gum disease. Untreated gum disease can lead to some pretty serious complications. As these pockets of infection within the gums get bigger the gums recede and pull away from the teeth.

Over time, this leads to loose teeth that may fall off or may need to be removed. By coming in for routine cleanings we will be able to detect gum disease and treat the problem before serious complications occur.

You need to get orthodontic treatment for crowding

If your teeth are overlapping each other, then our Naperville, IL family dentist may advise you to strongly consider getting braces to fix the problem. Of course, if crowding is serious enough, one or two back teeth may need to be removed prior to placing your braces in order to make your orthodontic treatment more efficient and effective. While this isn’t always necessary, if your crowding is severe then having teeth pulled may be the best option.

Dental Pointe in Naperville, IL, offers a comprehensive range of oral surgery services to meet you and your family’s needs. If you are experiencing dental pain or other problems, turn to the experts who can provide you with gentle, compassionate care. Call us today!

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