Foods To Avoid When You Have Braces

If you want to prevent damage to your braces you’ll want to nix certain foods from your diet.

If you’ve decided it’s time to get braces from one of our Naperville dentists Dr. Rani Seeth, Dr. Rachel George or Dr. Tabasm Akbar, then bracescongratulations! This is a big step to finally get the smile you deserve. Of course, it’s important to know that while wearing your braces certain changes will need to be made to accommodate your treatment. Discover what foods you’ll need to stay away from during your orthodontic treatment if you want to prevent your braces from breaking or falling off.

A good rule of thumb to follow is to stay away from any foods that are sticky, chewy, hard or crunchy. Yes, this does remove a lot of foods from your diet, but you’ll be happy you did it when you go through your entire orthodontic treatment without broken or damaged braces (damaged braces can increase your length of treatment).

Avoid these foods:

  • Popcorn
  • Gum
  • Ice (yes, we know it’s not really a food but we also know some regular ice crunchers out there. Don’t do it!)
  • Caramels, gummy bears or taffy
  • Hard candies
  • Nuts
  • Sodas and sports drinks (sugar can get trapped behind brackets and wires and are more likely to cause tooth decay)

You may have these foods but we recommend taking extreme caution:

  • Certain tougher breads (e.g. bagels): Make sure to cut into small, bite-sized pieces
  • Corn on the cob: You’ll want to remove the corn from the cob prior to eating
  • Crunchy fruits and veggies: Apples are a healthy snack, but biting into an apple can be dangerous for braces. Make sure to cut any crisp fruits and vegetables into smaller and more manageable pieces

If you are interested in finding out more about getting braces in Naperville and what they could do for your smile then it’s time you called Dental Pointe today to schedule your consultation. Get the smile you’ve always wanted!

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