What Could Be Causing My Dizziness?

What Could Be Causing My Dizziness?

Your ENT specialist in Pembroke Pines, FL, serving Broward County and the Hollywood area can help with dizziness.

Frequent dizziness isn’t just annoying. It’s also dangerous. The constant spinning, inability to stand up, and other problems can make everyday living and working difficult. Fortunately, your ear, nose, and throat specialist can help.

Dr. Sina Joorabchi at Broward Center For Ear, Nose, Throat & Allergy, in Pembroke Pines, FL, serving Broward County and the Hollywood area offers comprehensive ENT services, including treatment for dizziness.

Your “dizzy spells” could be a sign of a more serious condition, known as vertigo, You frequently lose your balance because your eyes, inner ear, and sensory nerves aren’t working well together. These three important components help you maintain balance. The signals your brain receives from the three components don’t match, which leads to a feeling of spinning or moving.

Vertigo can be caused by:

  • Frequent migraine headaches
  • Quick movements of your head, known as benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, or BPPV
  • A viral infection that has affected your vestibular nerve
  • Meniereís disease, which causes a large amount of fluid to build up in your inner ear

Your ENT specialist can provide several effective treatments for vertigo, including:

  • Medications; this treatment may include antihistamines, anticholinergics, anti-nausea medications, migraine medications, or anti-anxiety medications
  • Postural and physical therapy; this treatment may include instructions on proper head positioning and maintaining balance
  • For severe vertigo that doesn’t get better with other treatments, surgery is also an option. Antibiotics are placed inside your inner ear which disables the balance function in the ear. Your other ear will compensate for the treated ear, restoring your balance.

You don't have to suffer from dizziness or vertigo when help is just a phone call away. To find out more about the causes and treatment of dizziness, call Dr. Joorabchi of Broward Center For Ear, Nose, Throat & Allergy, in Pembroke Pines, FL, serving Broward County and the Hollywood area at (954) 438-7171 now!

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