Colonoscopy vs Endoscopy

Both of these procedures consist of an internal screening for different parts of your digestive tract. The word 'endoscopy' is generally associated with the examination of the upper digestive tract. An endoscopy typically consists of inserting a thin tube with a camera attached to it, called an endoscope, into your mouth and down your esophagus. A colonoscopy is technically a form of endoscopy. A colonoscopy is a similar procedure, where the endoscope is inserted into the rectum and examines the internal structures of your colon, hence the word colonoscopy. The skilled providers from the Comprehensive Digestive Institute of Nevada perform these procedures routinely. You will be in good hands when you choose to have your colonoscopy here in Las Vegas, NV.

Is it painful?

These procedures are not painful at all. The most discomfort that patients have expressed after having a colonoscopy or other type of endoscopy performed is a sense of pressure.

Why would I need a colonoscopy or endoscopy?

The biggest reason to get a colonoscopy is for cancer screening and it is recommended as part of routine screenings every 5 years or so beginning at age 45. The frequency for the recommendation of this test may be decreased with several subsequent negative tests.  For an upper endoscopy, they are not recommended for screening as frequently as colonoscopies but are used more for investigating the cause of an issue you may be having.

Reasons to have a colonoscopy in Las Vegas, NV:

  • Age 45 or over
  • Rectal bleeding
  • Changes in bowel habits or appearance of stool
  • Chronic constipation or diarrhea
  • Chronic abdominal pain
  • Unexplained weight loss

Reasons an upper endoscopy may be ordered are:

  • Frequent heartburn or upper belly pain
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Pain and/or bleeding
  • Frequent vomiting

What do I need to do to prepare for this procedure?

Depending on what area of the digestive tract is being investigated, there may be different protocols for preparation. But in all cases, an empty stomach and intestines are preferred. In the case of colonoscopy, you will be required to abstain from solids for the day before the procedure and asked to only consume light colored liquids such as lemon or lime Gatorade, jello, apple juice, and water. You also may be asked to take a laxative the day or night before your procedure.

What does the procedure consist of?

You may be given a light sedative before the procedure so that you are barely aware that it is happening. A mild anaesthetic may also be administered. These procedures are short and performed on an outpatient basis.  They generally last less than half an hour and you will go home the same day.

Contact us

Schedule your colonoscopy in Las Vegas, NV with one of our providers at the Comprehensive Digestive Institute of Nevada by calling our Las Vegas location at (702) 483-4483 or you can be connected with our office in Henderson at the same number, (702) 483-4483.

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