Removing Infected Dental Pulp

Are you experiencing ongoing pain in your rear teeth? If those teeth are decayed, it may be time for a molar root canal in Bangor, ME, at Sedation Dental. Dr. Alain Auguste can help save your diseased and painful molars.

What Is a Root Canal?

A root canal refers to an extensive procedure that removes the infected pulp inside of a tooth. The decay must be drilled away and removed, while any other materials like metal fillings are also carefully taken out. Any deep fillings that were put into place will need to be replaced by a permanent filling material.

When Do I Need A Root Canal?

You need a root canal if you have an open or infected sore in the tooth. Without proper treatment, the infected pulp inside will damage your jawbone and surrounding soft tissue. This can cause serious health conditions to develop, such as jaw breakage, death of bone cells, and infection, which can spread throughout the body.

You will often experience ongoing pain when your tooth is infected at or near the root. Don't hesitate to contact us for treatment so we can save your tooth.

How Does a Molar Root Canal Differ?

When you come to our office in Bangor, ME, for a molar root canal, you will be in our office longer than normal. A typical root canal takes about 30- 60 minutes, but a molar root canal takes 90 minutes longer. Molar teeth are the flat rear teeth. These teeth have four roots. As a result, there is a lot more pulp to clean out.

Will The Molar Root Canal Be Comfortable?

Our staff will ensure your comfort during this process. Before we begin the procedure, we will numb the tooth area so you won't feel any pain. If you are anxious, we also provide sedation therapy to keep you calm and relaxed.

Sedation Dental is a professional and friendly dental office for a molar root canal in Bangor, ME. Dr. Auguste will use his expertise to treat and restore any diseased molars. Please call our office at (207) 922-2730 for an appointment.

Hours of Operation

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Open by appointment only 8:00 am- 5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-3:00 pm





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