The Next Level Smile is Within Your Reach

Of course, the crux of solid dental care is making sure you have regular cleanings (every 6 months is standard) and accompanying check-ups. Your dental hygiene is crucial for a healthy smile but there are so many options to take your smile to the next level. Outside of your regular scheduled visits, ClearWave Dental has a host of cosmetic options to illuminate your smile.

Add some sparkle. Ditch the store-bought strips and take advantage of our professional whitening products. The higher concentration bleaching gels far surpass the results from over-the-counter products. It can be done in our offices, or we can customize a take-home version. In just about an hour, our experienced staff will apply professional grade hydrogen peroxide gel. Results are immediate and your smile will shine even brighter as you walk out the door. If you choose to whiten at home, we will create a custom mold of your teeth to make trays that you will fill with whitening gel.

Replace broken teeth or close a gap. If you have a gap between your teeth or even broken and loose teeth, you may be a great candidate for dental implants. These small titanium posts replace roots of missing teeth and then are fitted with a porcelain crown. The procedure can completely transform your smile.

Correct imperfections.  You can strengthen damaged teeth and address imperfections with dental crowns. Ceramic and porcelain crowns are most popular among our patients because they enhance your smile with a natural look. Crowns are an ideal solution for chipped, cracked, shorter or discolored teeth.

Maintaining excellent oral health is definitely dependent on your regular check-ups and cleanings. However, there are so many more resources and technology at your disposal to enhance your smile and leave a lasting impression. Let ClearWave educate you on your cosmetic options and craft a plan to bring the brilliance back to your grin.

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Hours of Operation

Our Regular Schedule

ClearWave Dental


8:00 am-5:00 pm


10:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-7:00 pm


10:00 am-3:00 pm

*Select Fridays, providing services limited to implants and surgery.


8:00 am-3:00 pm

**Select Saturdays, call office for details.

