Five Common Myths About Oral Health

Five Common Myths About Oral Health

You know how the game of telephone works, right? As information filters from person to person, little things get jumbled. Add the internet and that’s a whole new filter leading to tons of misinformation and myths. In this post we are going to tackle some of the most common myths we see online and even hear people repeat in our office. Here we go!

  • You don’t need to visit the dentist unless your teeth hurt, or you have pain in your mouth.

FALSE!! Regular dental care is paramount to a healthy mouth. You could even have little issues lurking that cause no pain or discomfort whatsoever. Don’t wait until you are experiencing pain to visit your dentist. Keep up with at home care and your regular check-ups every 6 months or as prescribed by your dentist.

  • The harder you brush the cleaner your teeth.

FALSE! You can actually do some real damage, particularly to your gums, by brushing too aggressively. Soft bristles and gentle strokes will do the trick to keep your smile dazzling.

  • Flossing doesn’t make that big of a difference.

FALSE! Brushing is just one part of maintaining a healthy mouth. Flossing is what gets into the nooks and crannies to compliment clean teeth.

  • Sugar will give you cavities.

FALSE! It’s not the sugar. Sticky and starchy foods attract bacteria that produces an acid which can lead to tooth decay. This is why it’s important to brush after meals and sweep bacteria away before it has a chance to do damage.

  • Gum disease only affects your mouth.

FALSE! Gum disease, if not treated properly, can actually spread to other parts of the body and has even been linked to heart disease.

There are so many reasons to maintain your healthy mouth and brilliant smile.  Call ClearWave Dental today to schedule your exam and we’ll help keep your mouth in fantastic shape!

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10:00 am-3:00 pm

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