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What Is Peripheral Arterial Disease?

Dr. Pradip Baiju directs Heart and Vascular Care in Orlando, FL. He sees patients daily to prevent, diagnose, and treat cardiovascular disease, peripheral arterial disease (PAD), and other heart-related issues. 

Our cardiologist has over 30 years of experience in heart care and is double board-certified. Add the high level of compassion and dedication to every patient he cares for, and you get unparalleled heart care. 

Our doctor wants patients to understand PAD.

What Is Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD)?

Peripheral arterial disease is a buildup of fats and cholesterol in arteries gradually reducing the blood's ability to flow through arteries. PAD causes poor circulation, non-healing leg and foot ulcers, and gangrene, which can lead to amputations. 

PAD decreases a person’s quality of life, hardening and narrowing the arteries in their heart and brain. PAD increases the risk of heart attack or stroke by six times.

Are you at Risk of PAD?

If you have any of the following, you may be at risk of PAD. 

  • Renal artery disease
  • Atherosclerotic coronary/carotid disease
  • Abnormal lower extremity pulse examination
  • Leg symptoms upon exertion
  • Ischemic pain at rest
  • Claudication
  • Being ages 50 - 69 and having a history of smoking/diabetes
  • Being less than 50 years old with diabetes and one other risk factor

Symptoms of PAD?

Symptoms of PAD include leg cramps or pain, tiredness or heavy feeling in legs, thighs, and buttocks when walking that does not go away at rest, foot or leg pain disturbing sleep, and slow or non-healing leg wounds or ulcers.

How to Diagnose PAD?

Dr. Baiju in Orlando, FL, may do an ankle brachial index screening. Sound waves are used to gather data on the blood flow through your arteries. Comparing B/P numbers in your arms and legs may show PAD. Other tests could include:

  • A toe brachial index.
  • TCPO2.
  • Arterial doppler.
  •  CT or MR angiography.
  • An abdominal angiography with runoff.

Treatment Options for PAD

If our doctor diagnoses PAD, we recommend lifestyle changes. Lifestyle changes mean following a healthier, balanced diet. Walking for 30 minutes three to four times per week is significant in helping reduce symptoms of PAD. 

If you smoke, quit. Monitor your blood pressure at home. We will monitor your cholesterol and blood glucose levels. 

You may need an outpatient catheterization procedure under mild anesthesia to open your arteries, preventing severe complications.

Schedule Your Cardiac Workup Today!

Call Dr. Baiju today at 407-730-8970 at Heart and Vascular Care in Orlando, FL, to schedule your peripheral arterial disease consultation. We specialize in cardiac, vascular, and venous care across Central Florida.

Our doctor is waiting to answer your questions about heart health, prevention of heart disease, early diagnosis, and treatment options. 

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Heart and Vascular Care, PA

Monday - Friday:

8:00 am - 5:00 pm

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