How To Prevent Eczema Flare Ups

Fortunately, some strategies help prevent eczema flare-ups and minimize related symptoms. While there is no cure for the dermatological condition known as eczema (a.k.a. atopic dermatitis), the following strategies provided by Windsor Dermatology in East Windsor, NJ can help you manage the severity and frequency of future flare-ups.

How to Prevent Eczema Flare Ups?

While the exact cause of eczema is not fully known, the condition is believed to be caused by a combination of environmental, immune system, and genetic factors.

So, in addition to managing the stress in your life (i.e., practicing mindfulness, yoga, meditation, etc.), maintaining a consistent skincare routine, and keeping yourself (and your skin) hydrated, if you are challenged with managing eczema, you should -

Moisturize Regularly

To lock in moisture, it helps to use a fragrance-free, hypoallergenic moisturizer immediately after showering. Liberally reapply if needed throughout the day, especially in extreme weather.

Avoid Hot Showers & Baths

It is recommended that those with eczema choose to bathe in lukewarm water because hot water can reduce natural skin oils and aggravate the symptoms of eczema.

After a Shower/Bath, Pat, Don't Rub Yourself

After bathing or showering, gently pat yourself dry using a soft towel. Rubbing can exacerbate eczema symptoms.  

Use Appropriate Skincare Products

Choose gentle and non-irritating soaps and cleansers and avoid those containing harsh chemicals.

Identify & Avoid Triggers

Eczema is an individualized condition, so it is important to find out your specific triggers, which may include –

  • Specific foods
  • Fabrics
  • Stress and anxiety
  • Weather conditions, or more.

Wear Breathable, Soft Fabrics

Select clothing made from natural materials like cotton or silk. These softer materials are less likely to cause skin irritation.

Keep Your Nails Short & Clean

Eczema symptoms worsen from scratching, even if incidental. So, it is beneficial to keep nails short to minimize damage. Cotton gloves can be worn at night to prevent scratching while asleep.

Avoid Temperature Extremes

Very cold and hot weather has the potential to trigger eczema flares. Use a humidifier in dry conditions and protect your skin by dressing appropriately in extreme weather.  

Be Cautious With Allergens

If you suspect that an allergen causes your eczema symptoms, consider an allergy test, and avoid those allergens in the future.


Apply topical or OTC prescription medications as recommended by our dermatological professional.

Consult with a Leading East Windsor, NJ Dermatologist Today

Eczema management is highly individualized. Often, what is effective for one individual may not work for another person. For more information on how Windsor Dermatology can help you better manage your eczema symptoms, contact a member of our professional staff at (609) 443-4500 or online.

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