
Combat Winter Redness with These Tips and Tricks

Rosacea is a common skin disorder that affects many people. It is characterized by redness mainly on the face, around the cheeks, nose, chin and forehead. Unfortunately, the cold, dry air of the winter often seems to exacerbate this condition. However, there are steps you can take to combat the effects of the winter months.

1. Take Your Medication as Prescribed

If you have been seeing a doctor or dermatologist for your condition, then you have likely started on prescription medication to help alleviate your symptoms. Stick to your treatment plan even if it seems like the pills aren’t helping, unless your doctor suggests otherwise.

2. Buy a Humidifier

The winter is notorious for dry skin. The alternating temperatures from inside to out and lack of moisture in the air are a nightmare for people with skin disorders. To help combat the dryness, consider purchasing a humidifier for your home.

3. Use Lukewarm Water

Many people with rosacea notice flare-ups when using hot water. Therefore, especially in the colder months of the winter, consider using lukewarm water to help your body maintain moisture and reduce skin aggravation.

4. Wear Protective Clothing

Winter’s cold, harsh winds can also lead to flare-ups. Always be sure to wear protective clothing, such as scarves or face masks, when you go outside.

5. Reduce Sweat

It is common knowledge among rosacea sufferers that excessive sweating can lead to redness. Therefore, try to avoid winter activities that lead to sweating. If they can’t be avoided, then wear clothing with ventilation and wicking capabilities.

6. Avoid Spice and Cool Off Hot Drinks

The National Rosacea Society recommends that people with the condition avoid spicy foods and heated beverages. Research suggests that some spices and hot drinks can enhance neurotransmitters that influence sweat glands, causing flare-ups.

7. Reduce Stress

A common rosacea trigger is stress. Since the winter is also the holiday season, it is known to be quite stressful for many. To combat this, take time every day to relax. Try meditation, yoga or other relaxation techniques.

8. Moisturize

Using certain moisturizers and mild cleansers can help alleviate dry skin, which in turn can reduce flare-ups and outbreaks. However, you should consult your dermatologist before switching or using skincare products.

9. Avoid Heat

You should also avoid direct heat sources. Air vents and hot baths are the enemies in the winter, especially for those suffering from certain skin conditions. Be careful about what you expose your skin to.

10. Track Triggers and Symptoms

Track your triggers and symptoms. Not every sufferer has the same reactions to stimuli. Your skin is unique to you, and so triggers may be specific to you as well. By tracking flare-ups, you can begin to notice what situations may be the cause.

Rosacea is a legitimate and common condition that can be controlled with medications and proper skincare. If you believe you have this issue or are seeking specialized treatment advice, then contact Windsor Dermatology and schedule an appointment. At your first visit, a dermatologist may be able to discuss treatment options that suit your needs.

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