Hair Loss: What are my Treatment Options?

There are many cosmetic issues that come up in people’s appearances throughout life. One of the most devastating can be hair loss for both men and women. Some estimates report that as much as 85 percent of men will have substantially thinning hair by the time they reach the age of 50. Although balding used to be a fact of life for many people, the truth is now you can control whether or not you lose most or all your hair. The professionals at Windsor Dermatology have many techniques for keeping hair where it belongs.

Hold Off on Over-the-Counter Products

There are numerous products on the market that promise to restore hair growth, and many of them don’t require a prescription. However, these items have varying degrees of success and results. We advise you to steer clear of anything that seems too good to be true and seek professional guidance before turning to over-the-counter products. Talking with an expert is the most surefire way to guarantee the best treatment for you.

Have a Dermatologist Analyze the Conditions

To set out on the most effective treatment, the dermatologist will first need to analyze the patient’s scalp. Balding can occur from a variety of factors. Sometimes it is merely a result of genetics while in other instances could be due to stress, health factors, or poor nutrition. Our professionals will conduct various tests to determine how to proceed.

Receive a Recommendation on the Appropriate Treatment

Once the professional understands the full range of your condition, he or she will suggest what treatment is best. There are numerous treatments available, and each one comes with its advantages and side effects. After a thorough analysis, you can be confident that whatever course of action the expert recommends will be ideal for your particular situation whether it is laser therapy or hair transplant surgery.


Restore Scalp Health Going Forward

If your hair loss can be traced back to a poor diet, then you need to change the foods you consume even after treatment. There are numerous other steps you can take after the professional treatment to increase the odds of having healthy hair throughout the rest of your life. For instance, you need to be mindful about how you wash and style your hair. You should be washing your hair every other day. Any more often than that and you risk damaging the strands.

You should also be cautious of chemical treatments and use them sparingly if at all. Additionally, if you tend to go outside often, then you should try wearing a wide-brimmed hat. Excessive exposure to UV rays can damage the scalp. You can also look into using a leave-in sunscreen that contains zinc oxide to protect your follicles. Above all else, it is vital to remember you do not have to live with hair loss. The professionals at Windsor Dermatology in East Windsor, New Jersey are waiting to help you feel good about your hair once more. Call the office at 609-443-4500, or request an appointment online today!

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Windsor Dermatology


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7:30 am-3:00 pm



