What Problem Areas Can CoolSculpting Solve?

Many people find that regardless of how much time they spend dieting and working out at the gym, they still can’t’ seem to lose stubborn fat. If you relate to this common scenario, don’t give up just yet. There is a surprisingly effective, non-invasive treatment option that can eliminate unwanted fat from targeted areas of your body without the need for invasive surgery. CoolSculpting® works by freezing away unwanted fat without a single surgical incision. Unlike liposuction and other surgical options, freezing fat does not require any recovery downtime, so you can get back to your busy life immediately after treatment.

CoolSculpting® is more than freezing fat. It’s the solution to those problem areas that you’ve been searching for. Here are 5 of the most sought-after problem areas that you can resolve through a simple session.

1. Belly

It is notoriously difficult to get rid of belly fat, especially on the lower abdomen. Both men and women struggle with this issue, even if they lose weight, slim and tone the rest of their bodies. Fortunately, you now have the option to freeze away those stubborn belly fat cells without interrupting your busy life with invasive surgical procedures.

2. Under the Chin

Tired of your double chin? For some people, the shape and structure of the face, jaw and neck can cause fat tissue beneath the chin to look more pronounced. CoolSculpting® is a great way to get rid of fat in this common problem area with minimal discomfort.

3. Lower Back

 Fat in the lower back is sometimes referred to as “love handles”, and while the name sounds cute, the appearance is anything but endearing. Many people choose to freeze fat in this area and experience noticeable results as early as three weeks after treatment.

4. Thighs

Do your thighs tend to remain large and fatty, even when the rest of your body is relatively thin? Some people are genetically predisposed to hold fat in their thighs, but that doesn’t mean you can’t do anything about it. Freezing that fat is one of the quickest, least-invasive ways to finally slim down your thighs so you can wear your bathing suit with confidence.

5. Hips

Like other areas prone to stubborn fat, the hips contain fat cells with more alpha-receptors than beta-receptors. What that means for you is that it is extremely difficult to get rid of excess fat in the hips through diet and exercise alone. Personal trainers often say that it’s impossible to achieve targeted fat loss, but CoolSculpting® proves that the opposite is true. It is absolutely possible to target fat in specific areas of the body if you freeze it away with the help of a certified CoolSculpting® provider.

Your Solution for Stubborn Fat

Although these five areas are the most commonly targeted, CoolSculpting® can significantly improve almost any part of the body that holds on to stubborn fat. If you’ve been looking for a way to remove fat in the areas that don’t always respond to dieting and exercising, you’ve found it. Freezing fat away is a safe, minimally invasive procedure that can take as little as 35 minutes per treatment area. Most people see dramatic changes within one to three months after treatment.

Windsor Dermatology is proud to be a certified CoolSculpting® provider! If you’re interested in scheduling a session with us, call 609-443-4500 or request an appointment online today!

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