Spider Veins Stopping You from Moving More in April? How Sclerotherapy Treatment Can Help

Treat Spider Veins This April Thanks to Sclerotherapy

With April being deemed the “Move More” month by the American Heart Association, many individuals are looking for ways to get out and be active daily. If you suffer from purple, red, or blue lines on your legs known as spider veins, the idea of dusting off your shorts and sportswear may not be at the top of your spring bucket list. The good news is there is a spider vein treatment available to treat your lines known as sclerotherapy.

What are spider veins?

Spider veins are blood vessels that become dilated with blood and then appear on your skin’s surface. They are often caused by poor circulation, but can also occur due to standing for long lengths of time, obesity, pregnancy, and hormonal changes. In some cases, spider veins cause discomfort or burning, but mainly they are cosmetic concern that create a lack of confidence in individuals who experience them.

Spider veins are not limited to your legs either. Some individuals experience spider veins on their nose and cheeks (caused by sun exposure) or on their abdomen. Spider veins are most common in women because they are triggered by female hormones.

How do you treat spider veins?

If your spider veins aren’t causing any discomfort, you may not need to seek treatment. Many of our patients contact us about treatment options because they are embarrassed by how the lines look and they no longer want to expose their legs during warm months. Proper treatment of the veins can minimize their appearance or make them disappear entirely.

While there are several steps you can take at home to help with spider veins including changing your diet, wearing compression socks, elevating your feet, applying concealer or self-tanning lotion, and, of course, wearing clothes that cover them completely, we often recommend sclerotherapy to our patients.

What is sclerotherapy?

The Sclerotherapy procedure is a spider vein treatment where a dermatologist injects a salt solution into the impacted vein. The salt solution causes the blood vessel to swell and the blood to clot. After two to three months, the vessel becomes scar tissue and fades from being noticeable on your skin.

Sclerotherapy is a relatively painless procedure. You can expect to feel a pinch when the injection occurs, and there is a possibility of some minor bruising and discomfort afterward. You should wear compression socks to help with the healing process. You should also avoid strenuous exercise or aerobics for up to a week after the procedure, but you can take slow walks to help increase the blood flow and the healing time.

Spring has just begun, and April is the perfect time to treat spider veins with sclerotherapy. Windsor Dermatology has worked with numerous individuals to rebuild their confidence by eliminating spider veins, so contact our office at 609-443-4500 to schedule a consultation with one of our doctors today. We will work with you to explain sclerotherapy, create a plan, and minimize your spider veins.

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