Lessen the Red This Valentine’s Day: Eating Healthy with Rosacea

Do you suffer from rosacea? If so, your cheeks and even your nose may start to turn pink or red at the most random moments. It could cause you to feel a lot less than confident with your appearance. If you’ve recently been diagnosed with the condition by your physician, you may not know a whole lot about it. Although there isn’t a set cure for rosacea yet, there are certain things you can do to reduce the chances of experiencing a rosacea breakout in the future or during your Valentine’s Day dinner.

Avoid Eating Certain Foods

Some foods are considered trigger foods for those with rosacea. Upon eating these foods, you may notice your cheeks start looking rosier than ever. Some of the foods to avoid include hot peppers, onions, and even assorted citrus fruits. In addition to avoiding these foods as much as you possibly can, you should try to avoid drinking coffee and alcohol as well because those beverages can enlarge your blood vessels, ultimately leading to a lot more redness on the face.

If you start avoiding these specific foods and beverages, you may notice you’re experiencing fewer rosacea breakouts. It may take some time to get used to this new way of eating, but it’s worth it if it can help you improve the overall appearance of your skin.

Consume the Right Foods

Aside from avoiding certain foods and beverages to prevent those breakouts, there are other foods you should start consuming a bit more often. Salmon is a superfood for those with rosacea because it contains omega-3 fatty acids that provide protection against inflammation. It’s important to consume as many anti-inflammatory foods throughout the day as possible, such as broccoli, celery, and even grapes. If you’re going to eat meat, it’s best to choose leaner options, such as chicken breast or even turkey.

Follow a Healthier Diet Plan

If you’re suffering with rosacea, try putting together a diet plan to follow in order to take control of your skin and prevent the redness from appearing on your face. You’ll need to make sure you’re getting enough protein, vitamins, and nutrients each day while consuming the anti-inflammatory foods. The right foods might help reduce the appearance of the redness instead of contributing to it and causing you to feel embarrassed or upset with your appearance.

Try to avoid consuming junk food because the excessive amount of sugar in cakes, pastries, doughnuts, and other snacks could easily contribute to the redness. If you start following a much healthier diet plan, you may quickly start to notice a difference, and you’ll likely feel a lot healthier because you’re fueling your body with all the foods that are naturally good for you.

If you’ve recently been diagnosed with rosacea and you’re not sure what to do to improve the condition of your skin, let Windsor Dermatology help you out. Give us a call at 609-443-4500 to schedule a consultation and help you get this process started.

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