Preventing and Treating Cracked Hands This Winter

Do your hands often feel dry during those cold winter months? They may get so dry that your skin is cracking and even starting to peel. Unfortunately, this is a common problem that many people experience when the weather outside is so cold. If you’d like to keep your hands feeling soft and you want to keep them from getting cracked, there are several steps you should make sure to follow on a regular basis.

Use a Moisturizer for the Hands

The best thing you can do for your hands is hydrate them with a good moisturizer. There are tons of different moisturizers available, including options you can make at home using a blend of essential oils. A moisturizer hydrates and nurtures the skin while keeping it protected so that it doesn’t feel so dry. It’s a good idea to use a moisturizer as soon as you get out of the shower. There are even some moisturizers that are meant to be applied to the skin while it’s still wet to help with hydration. Whatever it is you choose to use, be sure that it is a cream, not a lotion, foam, or gel.

Apply Moisturizer After Washing Your Hands

Washing your hands too many times could easily lead to dry skin. If you must wash your hands a lot because of your line of work, the best thing for you to do would be to apply the moisturizer directly to your hands after you’ve washed them in the sink. Carry a small bottle of moisturizer with you in your purse or bag so that you always have it available when you really need it. Neutrogena hand cream, Norwegian formula, is another great option.

Get a Gentle Soap for Your Hands

Make sure you’re using a gentle soap whenever you’re washing your hands, which should not be done as often as other times of the year. You should also try to use cetaphil cleanser to wash your hands. It does not require water, which can cause your hands to become cracked. Some soap products may smell heavenly, but they might also contain a lot of ingredients that are known to dry the skin out instead of hydrating it. Shop wisely when purchasing soap that you’ll use to wash your hands. Consider a gentle, organic option that only contains a few ingredients because it’s naturally a lot better for the skin.

Wear Gloves While Washing the Dishes

Do you often wash your dishes by hand? If so, your skin may start cracking simply because your hands are under hot water for a long time and they’re constantly coming in contact with the dish detergent. If you’re going to wash your dishes by hand, make sure to put some gloves on your hands ahead of time as a way of protecting them from the water and the detergent. Although you can use any disposable gloves, there are disposable gloves containing aloe that may add even moisture to the skin, so you should consider purchasing a few boxes of those gloves.

If your hands often feel cracked and dry during the winter months, make sure you’re taking the time to properly hydrate them with moisturizers and gentle soaps. You can take precautionary measures to protect your hands while wearing gloves, too. If you’d like more tips on protecting your hands from feeling so dry, check out Windsor Dermatology. You can give the office a call at 609-443-4500.

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