Treating Acne in Winter

Acne is a skin condition that millions of people suffer from between the early teen years and into their 20’s. Adults can even suffer from adult acne, making it an annoyance that simply won’t go away. Acne occurs because of the buildup of oil in the skin and can become a big problem during the winter because of the extremely dry, cold air outside, and the dry, warm air inside. However, there are a few things you can do to help prevent or lessen the amount of outbreaks you experience this season.


The worst thing you can do in the winter when dealing with acne is forget to moisturize. Make sure you moisturize at least once daily. You can use a light moisturizing lotion in the morning prior to work or school and a heavier moisturizing cream at night before going to bed. Moisturizing your skin will keep it hydrated, which can help to control the acne breakouts.

Use Gentle Cleansers

Gentle cleansers are the best option for your skin. Harsh cleansers can irritate and dry your skin on top of what the winter weather has already done to it. A gentle cleanser will not remove your skin of its natural moisture. Only use this cleanser once in the morning and once at night. Doing so more than this will excessively dry out your skin.

Drink Water

Make an effort to drink as much water as possible this winter. Not only is this beneficial to your overall health, but water keeps your skin moist. Many people forget to hydrate in the winter because they aren’t sweating as much or spending time out in the hot sun. You need to stay hydrated throughout the year to keep your skin moist. Be sure to drink anywhere from eight to ten glasses of water each day, although this will change from person to person.

Limit Topical Treatments

Topical treatments are great to control acne, but not so much during the winter months. Topical treatments for acne can dry out your skin even if it is already suffering from dryness. Switch from topical treatments featuring salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide to topical treatments that have a much smaller concentration of these ingredients.

Change Pillowcases

A great tip to put to good use when treating acne in winter is to change your pillowcases often. You should change your pillowcases at least once per week. If you are in the midst of a bad acne breakout, be sure to change the pillowcases multiple times per week. You don’t have to throw them out. Simply was them and use a clean one. Oil from your face and hair collects on your pillowcases and can cause an acne breakout if the pillowcases aren’t washed.

Change Your Makeup

It’s quite possible that your makeup could be causing you to breakout in acne during the winter. Certain makeups can clog your pores and contain oil that can cause acne breakouts. Consider switching your makeup during the winter months to help reduce acne flare ups.

Tired of dealing with acne this winter, or any time of year for that matter? Contact the experienced staff at Windsor Dermatology today to discuss your acne concerns. Call the office in East Windsor at 609-443-4500 to schedule an appointment.

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