Can Exercise Lower the Risk of Psoriasis?

Exercising for health benefits has been emphasized in the medical world for so many years. It has even been backed by researchers who have found increasing evidence to suggest that exercise can contribute to illness prevention and improve overall health. In fact, a study by scientists at Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women’s Hospital found that one of the benefits of physical activity is it decreases women’s risk of developing psoriasis by 30%.

There is a catch, in order to reap the full benefits of the decreased psoriasis risk, women need to vigorously exercise. This means that women have to actively run for 105 minutes a week or participate in 180 minutes of other vigorous exercise per week to reap the health benefits.

The researchers’ finding is in line with exercise benefits on other systemic inflammation diseases including type 2 diabetes, coronary artery disease, and certain types of cancer. Of course, patients with psoriasis might be concerned with exercising due to the skin condition. There are a few things you can do to prevent irritation:

  • Wear loose-fitting clothing to prevent friction.
  • Don’t scrub your skin post-exercising, take a gentle shower.
  • Apply a lubricant prior to working out in areas that you believe will become irritated.

Since 1985 our Medical Director, Dr. Bagel, has been at the forefront of psoriasis patient care, treatment, and clinical research. The Psoriasis Treatment Center of Central New Jersey and Windsor Dermatology is one of the most respected clinical settings in America for psoriasis treatment.

We utilize a few methods to reduce the effect of psoriasis. Among the treatment options are ultraviolet light therapy, biologic therapies, and oral medications. Before deciding on a treatment plan, our talented team of board certified dermatologists will consider the location and severity of involvement along with medical history. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and learn more about our psoriasis treatments.

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Windsor Dermatology


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