• Your Child and the Importance of Vitamin D
    Vitamin D deficiency is incredibly widespread in the US, and not just with adults! In fact, about one in 10 children in the US are deficient in vitamin D and Read more
  • Preventing Pediatric Heat Stroke
    Climate change has certainly caused the temperatures to climb here in the US, especially during the summer. While we know that kids love to play outdoors, when temperatures are high Read more
  • What Is Pediatric Urinary Incontinence or Enuresis?
    While children under 3 years old will not have control over their bladders, older kids that still have issues with bladder control may have something known as urinary incontinence or Read more
  • What You Should Know About Your Child's Autism
    Autism spectrum disorder is usually characterized by social interaction and communication deficiencies and shows up in different ways in different people. Your child’s pediatricians at ABC Pediatrics in McKinney, TX, Read more
  • Keeping Up With Your Child's Immunization Schedule
    We understand that bringing your child in for a shot certainly isn’t fun for anyone, but keeping your child updated on vaccines is one of the most effective ways to Read more
  • FAQs about Children's Nutrition
    When you turn to your pediatrician for nutritional advice or help, they will always take a personalized approach to help your child meet their nutritional goals, whether that’s losing weight, Read more
  • Symptoms Of Your Child's Ear Infection
    Wondering if your child might be dealing with an ear infection? While you will certainly know when you’re dealing with an ear infection; unfortunately kids, particularly newborns and toddlers, can’t tell Read more
  • Know the Symptoms of Mononucleosis
    Mono, nicknamed the “kissing disease” because of how easily it spreads from person to person, is a viral infection caused by the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). Pediatricians most often see this Read more
  • Bringing Your Child in for Whooping Cough
    Pertussis, more commonly referred to as whooping cough, is a contagious bacterial infection of the lungs. The nickname comes from the “whooping” sound that occurs when a child breathes. While Read more
  • Your Pediatrician's Guide To Thumb-Sucking
    Reflexively, your baby is born with the ability to suck. It makes sense. After all, your little one must be able to suck to get nutrients, whether breastfeeding or bottle-feeding. Read more
  • What To Do if Your Child Has a Fever
    ABC Pediatrics is here for you in McKinney, TX, when your child has a fever. Most parents automatically worry when their child has a fever and that's normal. A fever Read more
  • Helping Your Child With Autism
    Helping a child on the autistic spectrum poses many challenges which can be quite rewarding if we are equipped with the right tools to respond. If you have any questions Read more
  • Head Lice And How To Treat It
    You’ve just received a call from the school: someone in your child’s class has head lice. We know that hearing that your child has or might have head lice can Read more
  • When Does My Child Need Stitches?
    We all know how accident-prone kids can be. They get bruises, bumps, cuts, and scrapes from time and time. Most of the time, these boo-boos are nothing to worry about, Read more
  • Diabetes in Children
    In the past, the most common type of diabetes to affect children and teens was type 1 diabetes. This is also referred to as juvenile diabetes. In children with type Read more
  • Signs That Your Child May Have ADHD
    Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, likewise known as ADHD, is a condition marked by specific differences in brain activity and development that negatively impact a child’s self-control, attention, and focus. It could Read more

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9:00 am-12:00 pm

