Weight Loss Doctor Blog

The latest weight loss blog on Obesity, Diet, Exercise, and Bariatric Endoscopy Options to help you lose weight and keep it OFF!

What To Know About a Gastric Balloon

The traditional ways to lose weight include changing the way you eat, exercising, and taking medications, but those methods don’t always work for every individual. Some patients are candidates for weight loss using the gastric balloon, a gastrointestinal therapy offered by Dr. Donald Portocarrero at Gastrointestinal & Non-Surgical Weight Loss Solutions in Arcadia, CA. He proudly serves residents of Arcadia, and Los Angeles, CA.

What Is a Gastric Balloon?

 A gastric balloon is a device made of silicone that is inserted into the stomach during an in-office procedure that lasts about 5 minutes. When placed and filled with a saline solution, the balloon reduces the space in the stomach, creating less space for food. You will feel fuller faster and unable to eat as much at each sitting. Over time you will likely develop the habit of eating less food at meal times, and less often overall. That is what helps you begin to shed pounds. The gastric balloon will be removed after eight months, at which time a new one can be placed if recommended by your doctor.

Weight Loss Expectations

 One of the top questions on the minds of potential gastric balloon patients is how much weight they can expect to lose in a certain amount of time. When following the doctor’s instructions closely, a patient can lose 10 to 20 percent in body weight within the initial eight-month period. Your doctor will discuss realistic weight loss goals for your specific case at your initial consultation.

Gastric Balloon Considerations

 Your Arcadia, CA, doctor will thoroughly evaluate your unique case to decide if you are a good candidate for a gastric balloon. You will attend a series of appointments for examinations and weigh-ins before the surgical procedure is approved. Here are some considerations to keep in mind:

  • The ideal candidate for a gastric balloon has a body mass index between 27 and 40.
  • You must let your doctor know if you have had any previous stomach surgeries.
  • It’s important that you commit to long-term lifestyle and diet modifications to have a successful, lasting experience.

Start With a Consultation

The first step on your weight loss journey starts with an initial consultation at Gastrointestinal & Non-Surgical Weight Loss Solutions. Call (626) 461-5408 then dial 2 today to schedule a gastric balloon appointment with Dr. Donald Portocarrero at his office in Arcadia, CA, (also serving patients in the Los Angeles, CA area). 

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Gastro & Non-Surgical Weight Loss Solutions


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9:00 am-6:00 pm


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9:00 am-1:00 pm

