Dental Uses of Botox

Botox is a type of drug that briefly weakens or relaxes muscles. If you’ve ever heard of it, the first thing that may come into your mind is getting rid of facial wrinkles and lines. However, Botox goes far beyond enhancing one’s appearance. Here at New Hope Cosmetic & Family Dentistry in New Hope, PA, Dr. Dawn Rickert also uses Botox to deal with certain medical and oral conditions.

How Does Botox Work?
Botox is a registered trademark for botulinum toxin. It comes in the form of a refined protein, derived from the bacterium known as Clostridium botulinum. Botulinum toxin obstructs and affects the transmitters of motor nerves that innervate your muscles. Essentially, Botox injections can significantly reduce forceful muscle contractions.

What Can Botox Treat?
Among the most common uses of Botox include treating facial wrinkles and other cosmetic enhancements. But, among its wide array of uses is in the field of dentistry. Your dentist in New Hope, PA, can effectively treat conditions like:

TMJ Dysfunction
The temporomandibular joint links your jawbone to your skull. Temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMD) can generate pain or discomfort in your jaw joint and in the muscles that are involved in jaw movement.

Bruxism is a condition in which you involuntarily grind or clench your teeth. This can give rise to painful oral issues and likewise lead to tooth sensitivity, chipped teeth, and worn down tooth enamel.

Gummy Smiles
If your upper gums appear prominent as your smile, it may lead to self-consciousness or even low self-esteem.

Facial Pain
One of the symptoms and effects of certain medical conditions such as bruxism and TMD is chronic facial pain. Another type of facial pain condition that is not caused by other medical conditions is trigeminal neuralgia. Its distinguishable symptom is an abrupt and severe stabbing pain that can sometimes be debilitating.

Chronic Headaches
Chronic daily headaches happen for about more than 15 days a month. It could even last for an interval of six months or more.

A migraine is an excruciating headache that comes with a pulsating sensation or throbbing pain. It can be marked by different symptoms including sensitivity to sound and light, vomiting, and nausea.

Are You a Candidate for Botox?

You can be a good candidate for Botox if you:

  • Have no history of any neuromuscular disease (like myasthenia gravis or multiple sclerosis)
  • Are not pregnant
  • Are at least 18 years of age
  • Are physically healthy

To Find Out If You Can Benefit From Botox, Talk to Us

Schedule an assessment here at New Hope Cosmetic & Family Dentistry in New Hope, PA, with Dr. Dawn Rickert by calling (215) 862-2525.

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9:00 AM - 2:00PM


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