Improve Your Smile With Teeth Whitening

How teeth whitening treatment from your dentist in New Hope, PA, can help your smile

Are you suffering from a dull, uninteresting smile? If so, professional teeth whitening treatment could be the key to improving your smile! Here at New Hope Cosmetic & Family Dentistry in New Hope, PA, Dr. Dawn M. Rickert offers a wide range of cosmetic dentistry services, including professional teeth whitening to help your smile. Read on to learn more!

What professional teeth whitening can do for you

Lots of daily habits can give you a dull smile, with the largest culprits often being coffee, red wine, smoking, and even simply undergoing the normal aging process. As your teeth become exposed to these elements, the enamel becomes thinner, allowing you and everyone else to see the dentin that lies underneath. This layer is naturally yellow, and as more dentin becomes visible, the more yellow your smile will look.

Fortunately, there is good news! You can whiten and brighten your dull smile with professional teeth whitening. This treatment is a favorite among many people because it is:

  • Effective, for it allows you to whiten your smile up to 8 shades brighter
  • Long-lasting, because the amazing results can last up to 5 years
  • Quick, with the in-office treatment taking only about an hour to complete
  • Safe, because professional whitening products have been tested and approved by the American Dental Association

You can choose from:

  • The in-office treatment, which takes about an hour; this is a great option for people who want a brilliant white smile in a hurry. It’s also a great choice if you have a reunion, wedding, or other special event coming up.
  • The take-home treatment, which comes in the form of a kit containing professional-strength whitening gel, custom whitening trays, and instructions so that you can whiten your teeth in the privacy of your own home, at your own pace.

Interested? Give us a call

Don’t get stuck with a yellow, dull, unattractive smile when your dazzling, bright white smile is just a phone call away. To learn more about professional teeth whitening and our other cosmetic dentistry procedures, call Dr. Dawn M. Rickert of New Hope Cosmetic & Family Dentistry in New Hope, PA, today by dialing (215) 862-2525.

Office Hours


8:30 am-5:00 pm


8:30 am-5:00 pm


9:00 AM - 2:00PM


8:30 am-5:00 pm





