Understanding Hearing Loss: When To See an ENT Specialist

Dr. Giulio Cavalli is an experienced, skilled, board-certified ENT doctor/surgeon of otolaryngologists at his specialty practice in Pittsfield, MA. Our doctor is here today to discuss hearing loss and when it may be time for you to call for your appointment.

Understanding Hearing Loss

Dr. Cavalli, an ENT doctor/surgeon in Pittsfield, MA, explains that undiagnosed hearing loss can be mild to profound and affect all ages.

Mild Loss - You hear some speech, but soft speech is hard to hear

Moderate Loss - You hear very little speech when the speaker is talking at an average level.

Severe and profound Loss - You hear no speech at normal sound levels and may hear only some loud noises.

If your hearing loss occurred as a child and before you learned to talk, you have a pre-lingual hearing deficit. If your Loss occurred after you learned to speak, you have post-lingual hearing loss.

Is your hearing deficit unilateral in one ear or bilateral in both ears? We can determine this deficit.

Your auditory system is your brain's pathway. If you have hearing loss, it means that this auditory system is not working correctly. There could be one of four issues.

  • Conductive Loss - noise stops from passing the outer or middle ear.
  • Sensorineural Loss - The inner ear is not working right.
  • Mixed Hearing Loss - This is conductive and sensorineural hearing loss.
  • Auditory Neuropathy Spectrum Disorder - A damaged inner ear or nerve can't organize what you hear, so your brain can compute what is said.

The nerve in the inner ear is the pathway to the brain to compute information heard. When this nerve is damaged, you cannot hear in the usual way.

When is it Time to See Us?

Infants do not respond to sounds. Other people may notice your hearing loss before you realize you have a hearing problem, or perhaps you know you have a hearing problem and can't admit it to yourself. Infants do not respond to sounds.

What to Expect from Us?

  • Complete hearing evaluation
  • Assess treatment options
  • Assess the need for hearing aids
  • Improve your quality of life
  • Enhance speech
  • Communication less tiring
  • Help to preserve the brain's nerve networks

Call Today for Your Hearing Evaluation

Call Dr. Cavalli, an ENT doctor/surgeon in Pittsfield, MA, today at 413-443-6116 to schedule your hearing exam and testing for hearing loss. If you have a loss, getting your hearing checked and treated will increase your quality of life.

Hearing loss harms you and those around you if you drive a car or operate dangerous machinery. You can't hear instructions or directions or respond to emergencies as required.