Acne Triggers: What's Causing Your Breakouts?

Of all the skin conditions that prompt patients to see dermatologists for help, acne is at the top of the list. The American Academy of Dermatology Association estimates that it affects 50 million Americans each year. It’s an urgent issue because highly visible acne pimples most commonly appear on the face, which is the first thing most people notice. If you want to know what’s probably causing your breakouts, a skin doctor at Newton Wellesley Dermatology Association in Wellesley, MA, can help you reduce or eliminate acne.

How Acne Develops

Acne occurs when too much oil (also called sebum), dirt, and dead skin cells build up in the skin's pores. The oil and dirt mix, causing irritation, bumps, pimples, and redness. Acne pimples can also form when ingrown hairs burrow into the skin. When bacteria are introduced, it can create irritation and inflammation that makes the bumps painful or even infected.

What Triggers Acne?

If you know what is likely to trigger an acne breakout, you can take steps to avoid those triggers to keep your skin looking healthy and clear. Consider these possible causes:

  • Picking at and touching your skin often with dirty fingers and fingernails.
  • Forgetting to wash and moisturize your skin daily. You should ideally do your facial care routine in the morning and before bedtime.
  • Stress can affect hormone levels, causing skin reactions.
  • Too much time in the sun, especially without the correct sunscreen for your skin.
  • Genetics, which is something that may be out of your control, but you can still fight the recurrence of breakouts by committing to a daily acne prevention skincare routine prescribed by our Wellesley, MA, dermatologist.
  • Eating foods high in carbohydrates and sugars can trigger increased inflammation and the production of sebum. The Academy of Dermatology Association also suggests that cow’s milk may be associated with acne breakouts.

Have Your Acne Treated by a Dermatologist

If you’re struggling with acne breakouts, you’re not alone, as millions of Americans of all ages have this skin issue. Call (781) 237-3500 today to schedule an appointment for acne treatment at Newton Wellesley Dermatology Association in Wellesley, MA.