When To Seek Medical Attention for Your Skin Rash

Concerned about a skin rash? The team at Newton Wellesley Dermatology Associates of Wellesley, MA, can help determine the cause and the most effective treatment for your needs.

Knowing When to Seek Care for Skin Rashes

Everyone has rashes on occasion, often in response to a bug bite or exposure to some environmental factor. And most people treat them with an over-the-counter topical cream that soothes the itch and irritation. Is there ever a time, though, that you should seek care for a rash? The team at Newton Wellesley Dermatology Associates in Wellesley, MA, answers this question and more below.

Understanding Rashes

Rashes aren’t an actual condition. Instead, the term refers to a reaction of the skin, usually creating itchiness, inflammation, and swelling.

Generally, rashes aren’t anything to be concerned about, but sometimes they do require attention from a professional. That is because rashes are caused by anything from allergies to chronic health issues and skin conditions, like eczema.

Depending on the cause, you may or may not need treatment. The following signs indicate that care should be a priority.

  • Rashes that blister, which cause sections of raw skin.
  • Rashes that spread quickly or cover a large portion of your body.
  • Rashes around or near the mouth, genitals, eyes, or lips.
  • Rashes that go beyond itchy and are genuinely painful.

Rashes sometimes cause fevers, especially if due to some type of illness. Keep a close eye on your temperature and seek care if you notice it’s elevated. Additionally, any signs of infection, such as rashes that are hot, red, or oozing pus, should be assessed as soon as possible.

Some symptoms indicate you should seek emergency care, as they could be due to a severe issue. These include swelling of the eyes or lips, as well as difficulty swallowing or breathing.

Even if you have no additional symptoms, it’s wise to seek care for rashes that do not go away pretty quickly or cause too much discomfort to deal with. Additionally, if they seem to come back consistently, you should visit a dermatologist to determine the cause and best treatment options.

If you have a rash that meets any of the criteria above or one that concerns you for any reason, call (781) 237-3500 to schedule an appointment at Newton Wellesley Dermatology Associates in Wellesley, MA, today.