Skin Care Basics for Healthy, Glowing Skin

Skin CareIt's not exactly a secret: Radiant skin is the key to maintaining a healthy, young appearance. Still, it's easier said than done. Every day, our skin takes a beating through exposure to harmful environmental factors and scores of bacteria and abrasive materials, so basic skin care needs to be a daily priority if you want healthy, glowing skin.

Keep It Clean

Get into the habit of washing your face twice daily. It should be simple enough: Make it part of your morning routine and before-bed ritual, and don't let it fall through the cracks because you feel rushed before work or a little lazy around bedtime. This is especially important given Rhode Island's often-humid climate, as muggy air can leave you sweaty and prone to breakouts. Not only will a clean face refresh you at these key points in your day, it will help you achieve that bright, healthy look you long to see in the mirror.

Getting a proper amount of sleep keeps your skin youthful, but even on nights you get little rest, taking time to cleanse your skin will be wonderfully invigorating. If you wear makeup, be sure to remove it and let your skin breathe every day.

Protect Yourself

Sunscreen should also join your daily regimen. Most people go outside every day, even if it's just for a little while, and you're exposed to damaging ultraviolet rays even when it's overcast. Applying at least 15 SPF sunblock every day prevents sun damage, which manifests years later in deep wrinkles, fine lines, discoloration, leathery texture and sagging skin. In other words, bright sunshine translates into the opposite of a glowing complexion. In case you haven't guessed yet, this means saying no to tanning beds.

Handle With Care

Don't be too rough with your skin—nature does a great job of abusing your exterior on its own. Pat yourself dry after a shower or face wash, because rubbing can cause excess irritation. Use gentle cleansers and consult a local dermatologist when considering the best ways to treat acne.

Remember that skin care goes beyond your face, and there's more to a beautiful exterior than surface treatment. Yes, you should clean your skin and apply moisturizer, but you should also avoid habits that accelerate the appearance of aging, like smoking, and maintain a healthy diet and exercise routine. It's easy to overlook, but you can't forget your skin reflects your internal health.

Perform Regular Maintenance

Use an exfoliant to gently remove dead skin from your face and body twice weekly. Familiarize yourself with the unique landscape of your skin, so if a discolored or asymmetrical mole appears, you'll quickly notice and consult a dermatologist. You should check your skin monthly for significant changes or abnormalities.

On top of these skin-care basics, make an annual visit to a dermatologist near you so your skin gets the best all-around care you can provide.

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