What is Invisalign?

What is Invisalign?

What your dentist in Lake Forest and Foothill Ranch wants you to knowinvisalign

If you want to straighten your smile discreetly, quickly, and comfortably, you need to discover Invisalign. So what is Invisalign? It’s a virtually invisible way to achieve a straight smile. Dr. Riad at Foothill Family Dental in Lake Forest and Foothill Ranch, CA, wants to share the details about Invisalign revolutionary orthodontic treatment.

Invisalign uses a system of custom-fit plastic trays called aligners. You begin treatment with a first set of aligners, which you wear for 2 weeks. Then you progress to another set of aligners, which you wear for another 2 weeks. You move up to a different set of aligners every 2 weeks as your teeth and jaws gradually move into proper alignment.

When you choose Invisalign, you will enjoy important benefits which conventional brackets and wires can’t match. Consider that Invisalign treatment is:

  • Comfortable, because the aligners are made of smooth plastic, with no sharp metal parts to poke into your soft tissue
  • Discreet, because the aligners are clear, making them virtually invisible to the people around you
  • Quick, because the entire Invisalign process only takes between 9 to 15 months
  • Healthy, because you can remove the aligners to brush and floss, helping to prevent tooth decay and gum problems
  • Satisfying, because you remove the aligners during meals, so you can eat the foods you love

Invisalign is more comfortable than conventional brackets and wires, and treatment can correct many of the same issues as conventional orthodontic treatments. Invisalign is the perfect choice to correct:

  • Overbite or underbite
  • Crossbite or open bite
  • Teeth that overlap
  • Teeth that are spaced apart
  • Teeth that are rotated or poorly positioned

Invisalign is a great option for both teens and adults. For more detailed information about Invisalign, please visit the Invisalign page on the Foothill Family Dental website at https://www.foothillfamilydental.com/invisalign.html

So, why should you choose Invisalign? Quite simply, Invisalign is the easiest, most discreet, most comfortable way to achieve the straight smile you’ve been waiting for. Don’t settle for uncomfortable, unsightly metal brackets and wires when you can have state-of-the-art orthodontic treatment.

Get started on your Invisalign treatment today by calling Dr. Riad at Foothill Family Dental in Lake Forest and Foothill Ranch, CA. Don’t wait, call now!

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