What Is Cystic Acne?

Cystic acne is the formation of pus-filled pimples lying deep beneath the skin. These pimples, or cysts, cause pain to the person at risk and, because they're difficult to treat, are best examined and diagnosed by a dermatologist to avoid infection and scarring. Bacteria enter the pores with cystic acne, causing swelling or inflammation. Because it may be tough to look in the mirror, these symptoms can cause emotional on top of physical pain. Acne ranges from mild to severe and cystic acne is the most extreme type. If you struggle with acne in Tulsa, OK, call the Dermatology and Laser Center of Oklahoma for relief.

What Is Cystic Acne? 

Bacteria, dead skin cells, excess oils, or hormones cause cystic acne. For example, teenagers are prone to cystic acne due to puberty, and so are people who experience high levels of stress and women going through menopause. Cystic acne is tender to the touch and can range from small to large. A breakout may cover a large area of skin, including the back, buttocks, chest, neck, shoulders, and upper arms. Our dermatologists may advise taking oral antibiotics and applying prescription-strength topical gels or creams to the skin to alleviate symptoms. Other treatments might include an oral retinoid, corticosteroid injections, or surgical methods.

Because cystic acne is prone to scarring, our dermatologists can offer various treatment options to help reduce the appearance of blemishes and discoloration. These in-office procedures include dermal fillers, laser therapy, skin tightening, and resurfacing. Dermal fillers and laser therapy can decrease the sight of imperfections and skin damage, while skin tightening and resurfacing minimize the impression of deep acne scars. Consult our dermatologists if at-home remedies aren't working for your acne. For more information about treatment for acne, or to schedule an appointment with one of our doctors at Dermatology and Laser Center of Oklahoma in Tulsa, OK, call (918) 494-0400.