Epilepsy Seizures

If you or a loved one has been newly diagnosed with epilepsy it can be scary and overwhelming to understand. You may have a lot of questions about epilepsy, so let’s take a closer look at epilepsy, what it is and everything in between so that you can better understand.

What is Epilepsy?

Epilepsy is a neurological condition that affects the nervous system.  It is usually diagnosed after a person has had at least two seizures that were not caused by a known medical condition. In other terms, they were unprovoked, which means they were not brought on by a clear cause such as alcohol withdrawal, heart problems or extremely low blood sugar.  The seizures experienced might be the result of a hereditary tendency or a brain injury, but the cause is ultimately unknown.
It is often hard to pinpoint the exact cause of epilepsy in a particular individual, but some things that can make a person more likely to develop epilepsy are:
  • A brain injury caused by a car crash or bike accident
  • An infection or illness that affected the developing brain of a fetus during pregnancy
  • Lack of oxygen to an infant’s brain during childbirth
  • Meningitis, or any type of infection that affects the brain
  • Brain tumors or strokes
  • Poisoning such as lead or alcohol poisoning
Epilepsy is not contagious and it is not passed down through families in the same way your blue eyes or brown hair are. However, someone who has a close relative with epilepsy may have a slightly higher risk for it than someone who has no family history of seizures.
Contact our office today for more information on epilepsy and to learn about your options.

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7:30 am-3:00 pm


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9:00 am-5:00 pm


7:30 am-3:00 pm


7:30 am-2:00 pm



