Which Cosmetic Dentistry Procedure Is Right for You?

Cosmetic Dentistry ProceduresFind out how cosmetic dentistry can provide you with the smile of your dreams.

Feeling confident in your appearance often translates to feeling confident with your smile. After all, a smile is one physical feature that we notice first. If you want to make a good first impression on a date or a job interview, you want to consider turning to our Palatine, IL, cosmetic dentist, Dr. Herman Salzberg, for cosmetic dentistry. Here’s how we can help you:


Composite Bonding

Also referred to as dental bonding, this simple and inexpensive cosmetic treatment is designed to repair decay, discolorations, and minor flaws in a tooth to improve the overall color, shape or size. While it won’t be able to make drastic changes to your smile, it can fix small aesthetic imperfections. How it works is this: a dentist at our Palatine office will choose the resin that most closely matches the shade of your tooth. The bonding resin will then simply be applied, shaped, and hardened into place with a laser.


Teeth Whitening

Have you noticed that your smile has started to yellow or dull a bit over the years? Has coffee drinking left you with a stained and discolored smile? If so, professional teeth whitening can give you fast and effective results. Not only can this treatment remove deep-set stains from the enamel and dentin layers of your teeth, but this professional system can also lighten the color of your tooth. In as little as a single teeth whitening session, we could get your smile several shades whiter.


Porcelain Veneers

Do you wish your smile were just a little straighter? Do you have cracks, chips, discolorations, or other problems that are spread across your smile? If you said “yes”, then dental veneers are here to help. These mega-thin, tooth-colored shells are bonded to the front of your teeth to hide common defects while also greatly improving the overall shape and color of your smile. If you’ve ever wondered how some Hollywood stars get such beautiful smiles, they most likely have dental veneers to thank!


If you have questions about getting cosmetic dentistry or you want to find out which option is right for your smile, call our Palatine office today to schedule a consultation with us. Our number is (847) 359-6766.

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9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-2:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-2:00 pm


9:00 am-2:00 pm


By Appointment



What Our Patients Say About Us

  • "Very top notch dentist, would highly recommend Dr. Salzberg to anyone who wants the best for your family. Been to many dentists In St. Louis and Champaign IL. , pain free and very up to date dental work. Just moved to Bloomingdale and found the perfect Dentist, feels like I been going there for years. The staff is amazing and they really make you fell welcomed. Stay away from big dental groups. Joe"
    Joe Kriegel
  • "Very friendly and capable staff. Dr. Salzberg provides great care, and is thorough in his examination and procedures. He and his staff use the newest technology, which maximize efficiency and care, and also eases any reservations about going to the dentist. Highly recommended!"
    Dave Gurion
  • "My family and I have been patients of Dr
    Salzburg for the past 20 years. He is an excellent dentist who makes sure that his patients are comfortable and pain free during procedures. I have had all types of work done including cleaning, cavity fillings, crowns, root canals and I've never had a problem with any of them! Excellent hygienist and very friendly office staff. Highly recommend."
    Pamela Culley