How a Pediatric ENT Can Help

How a Pediatric ENT Can Help

Does your child have problems with ear infections or throat problems? If so, it may be time to contact your local pediatric ENT specialist in San Antonio, TX. Dr. Christine Gilliam is the main practitioner at Everyone's ENT & Sinus Center. She can provide expert care, so your child will be comfortable undergoing any diagnosis or treatment related to these issues. Thanks to her expertise, your child can find relief from tonsillitis, ear aches, and more.

What Is an ENT Doctor?

 ENT stands for ear, nose, and throat. When someone has problems ranging from sinuses to sore throat to ear infections, you should see someone specializing in ENT work. Children, in particular, can suffer from several issues in those parts of their bodies. As a result, you can take them to an ear, nose, and throat medicine practitioner with experience with young patients, such as Dr Gilliam.

How Can This Specialist Help a Child?

 Unfortunately, ear infections can be common in children. These infections can happen due to not drying the area properly after swimming or bathing. However, it can also occur due to infection in the adenoid glands. These glands can also cause your child to have regular sinus infections or nasal congestion. Luckily, Dr. Gilliam has experience removing these glands in a quick surgery that only lasts about an hour. The glands are removed through the mouth, and something as simple as Tylenol every 4 to 6 hours 24 to 48 hours after surgery is usually enough to help the child deal with any discomfort afterward. (We’ll provide medication advice for your specific child.)

Other care can also include antibiotics or ear tube surgical treatment, which is outpatient surgery. 

Another common problem in kids is tonsillitis. Dr. Gilliam will normally approach this with the use of antibiotics. However, if it doesn't work in your child, she can perform a safe tonsillectomy that only takes about 30 minutes.

Your pediatric ENT specialist in San Antonio, TX, can help with childhood sinus problems. Though rare, some children may experience very severe sinusitis. As a child's sinuses develop, it can cause major problems like severe congestion or inflammation. If the problems continue to be severe after the use of antibiotics, Dr. Gilliam may use safe nasal saline flushes or nasal steroids. She can also perform sinus surgery if problems continue to linger.

As you can see, if your child needs a pediatric ENT specialist in San Antonio, TX, look no further than Everyone's ENT & Sinus Center. Call Dr. Gilliam for an appointment anytime at 210-647-3838