Could Laser Treatment Help My Nail Fungus

Nail fungus isn't always easy to treat at home. If your toenail remains yellow despite months of diligently applying over-the-counter fungus nail fungusmedication, it may be time to consider a more effective option. Our Needham, MA, podiatrist, Dr. Michael Mitry of Advanced Podiatry of Needham, explains how laser nail fungus treatment can help you get rid of your yellow toenails.

How does laser treatment work?

Unlike topical products that only target the first few layers of your toenail, laser treatment reaches under your nail to eliminate fungus where it starts. Colorful pigments in the fungus give your nail its unsightly yellow appearance. Laser light targets those pigments, eliminating the fungal infection

The energy generated by the laser beam heats the fungus, causing it to die. Thanks to the pinpoint accuracy lasers offer, surrounding areas of healthy tissue won't be damaged by the treatment.

What does laser treatment feel like?

You might assume that a treatment that generates heat would be painful, but you'll only notice a tingling or slightly warm sensation in your foot. The laser produces short bursts of energy to ensure that the treatment isn't uncomfortable. After your treatment in our Needham office, your toe will feel perfectly fine, and you'll be able to carry on with the rest of your day.

When will I see results?

Although the fungus may be dead, your toenail will still look yellow after your treatment. You'll begin to see the effects of the treatment in the next several months. As the nail grows, the bottom section will appear clear. Eventually, your entire nail will be fungus free.

Although laser nail treatment is very effective in treating toenail fungus, the treatment won't prevent it from returning if you're exposed to the fungus in the future. You can lower your risk of another infection if you alternate your shoes, use an anti-fungal spray in your shoes, change sweaty socks frequently, avoid sharing socks or shoes, and wear sandals in locker and shower rooms and around public pool areas.

Clear up your toenail fungus with laser nail fungus treatment. Call our Needham, MA, podiatrist, Dr. Mitry of Advanced Podiatry of Needham, at (781) 444-4044 to schedule an appointment.

Contact Us

Advanced Podiatry of Needham

Needham, MA Podiatrist

1410 Highland Ave. STE #204

Needham, MA 02492

(781) 444-4044