Struggling with Ingrown Toenails?

Help is available if you are struggling with ingrown toenails. Ingrown toenails can cause discomfort, pain, and even lead to infection. A Ingrown toenailpodiatrist can examine your nails and recommend possible treatment options. At Advanced Podiatry of Needham, Dr. Michael Mitry and Dr. Christopher Karter are your Needham, MA, podiatrists for the treatment of ingrown toenails.

Causes of Ingrown Toenails

Ingrown toenails can affect any of the nails on the feet, but tend to be most common on the nails of the big toes. The primary cause of an ingrown toenail is the sides of the nail growing too closely to the skin. This causes the nail to press against the skin, which often results in painful swelling and redness. Factors that can cause toenails to grow too closely to the skin include toe or foot injuries, fungal infections, wearing tight fitting socks or shoes, trimming the nails with rounded edges rather than straight across, and heredity.

Prevention and Treatment

It is possible to prevent toenails from growing too closely to the skin and becoming ingrown. One important way to prevent ingrown toenails is to trim the nails straight across rather than rounding the edges. Rounded edges are more likely to end up growing too close to the skin. Another method for preventing ingrown toenails is wearing socks and shoes that fit somewhat loosely on the foot as tight fitting socks and footwear can be too constricting. Finally, keeping the toes and feet clean and infection-free can help prevent ingrown toenails.

Fortunately, there are methods for treating ingrown toenails if they do develop. Your Needham, MA, podiatrists at Advanced Podiatry of Needham can recommend an appropriate treatment method for you if you are struggling with ingrown toenails. Methods for treatment ingrown toenails include:

  • Wearing loose-fitting footwear
  • Soaking the feet in warm water
  • Medications for pain relief
  • Antibiotics to treat any infections
  • Surgical removal of the toenail

If you are struggling with ingrown toenails, a podiatrist can help. Several options are available for treating ingrown toenails and a podiatrist can provide suggestions for preventing additional problems with ingrown toenails in the future. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Mitry or Dr. Karter, podiatrists in Needham, MA, contact Advanced Podiatry of Needham at (781) 444-4044.

Contact Us

Advanced Podiatry of Needham

Needham, MA Podiatrist

1410 Highland Ave. STE #204

Needham, MA 02492

(781) 444-4044