What is Causing Your Heel Pain?

How your podiatrists in Needham, MA, can help with heel pain

Heel pain isn’t just annoying—it can also temporarily disable you and prevent you from enjoying your life. If you are suffering from heel heel-painpain, chances are that you are wondering what is causing it and what you can do to treat it. Fortunately, Dr. Michael Mitry and Dr. Christopher Karter at Advanced Podiatry of Needham offer heel pain treatments to get you on your feet again!


Possible heel pain causes

Heel pain can be caused by wearing unsupportive, narrow shoes. When you carry extra weight or are pregnant, it also puts more stress on your feet which can lead to increased heel pain. You may also be genetically predisposed to heel pain because of flat feet. Diabetes and certain other medical conditions can also lead to this common foot condition.

One of the most common reasons for heel pain is a condition known as plantar fasciitis. Involving the thick band of tissue running across your heel is known as the plantar fascia, plantar fasciitis occurs when this body part becomes inflamed. While the above-listed factors can certainly contribute to plantar fasciitis, you are also at risk if you walk or stand on hard surfaces for extended lengths of time.


Heel pain treatment options

If you are suffering from heel pain, you can try:

  • Icing your heel several times each day
  • Elevating your feet to take the weight off of them
  • Taking anti-inflammatory or pain medication like ibuprofen or Tylenol

For stubborn cases of heel pain, seek out the help of your podiatrist. At Advanced Podiatry of Needham your podiatrist may recommend:

  • Night splints, inserts, or orthotics
  • Stretching and physical therapy
  • Prescription anti-inflammatory medications
  • Radial Pulse Shockwave Therapy (RSWT)


Give us a call!

Don’t suffer from heel pain—let your podiatrists help by calling Dr. Michael Mitry and Dr. Christopher Karter at Advanced Podiatry of Needham. Dial (781) 444-4044 today to set up an appointment!

Contact Us

Advanced Podiatry of Needham

Needham, MA Podiatrist

1410 Highland Ave. STE #204

Needham, MA 02492

(781) 444-4044