Are Braces Right for You?

Metal BracesHow braces from your dentists in Decatur, IL, can improve your smile

Do you need a straighter smile? If so, you’ve probably been thinking about braces. So, are braces right for you? The short answer is YES! Braces can give you a straight smile which will enhance your appearance and your ability to enjoy the foods you love. Drs. Chad and Natalie Corley at Corley Family Dental in Decatur, IL, can help you achieve the straight smile you’ve been dreaming of!

You can benefit from orthodontics if you have tooth or jaw alignment problems. If left untreated, poor tooth or jaw alignment problems can lead to temporomandibular joint pain, excessive tooth wear, broken teeth, and difficulty keeping your teeth clean. Braces can correct these tooth alignment and jaw problems:

  • Underbite or overbite
  • Crossbite or open bite
  • Gapped or overlapped teeth
  • Poorly erupted or rotated teeth

If you have any of the issues listed above, braces are definitely right for you!

So, why should you choose braces? It turns out there are many ways you and your smile will benefit from braces. Consider these important benefits:

  • A cosmetically beautiful smile because straight teeth are visually appealing
  • Great oral health because straight teeth are easier to brush and floss
  • More efficient chewing, which improves digestion and overall health
  • Less stress and wear on your teeth and your jaws from chewing

At Corley Family Dental, your dentists can help you choose from different types of orthodontics, including:

  • Conventional braces, using metal brackets and wires
  • Ceramic braces, using ceramic brackets and tooth-colored wires
  • Lingual braces, with brackets and wires cemented on to the tongue side of your teeth

Modern orthodontics with braces can improve your smile, which will improve your life. If you want to look great and have improved chewing ability, braces are definitely right for you. To find out more about braces, call Drs. Chad and Natalie Corley at Corley Family Dental in Decatur, IL, today!