Developing A Good Oral Care Routine

Do you have good oral hygiene habits? Here at Corley Family Dental in Decatur, IL, your general dentists, Drs. Chad and Natalie Corley, aim to provide patients with healthy smiles that last for life. Your disciplined hygiene habits help with this important goal.

Brushing, flossing, eating, checking

Good oral hygiene habits don't just happen—they take attention and work every single day. Here's what your general dentist in Decatur and the American Dental Association (ADA) recommend for children, teens, adults, and seniors:

  1. Brushing your teeth. The ADA says that we should brush with a soft-bristled toothbrush or electric brush for a full two minutes twice a day. Two minutes can be longer than you think, so employ a kitchen timer or brushing app on your phone. Use a gentle circular motion on your chewing surfaces and the front and back of your teeth. Include your gums, tongue, and roof of your mouth. Brushing removes plaque, the sticky film that causes cavities and gum disease, and should be performed after breakfast and before going to bed.
  2. Flossing around your teeth. Use strand floss, interproximal brushes or a water flossing machine to remove the plaque that your toothbrush misses. It doesn't necessarily matter when you floss during the day, just make sure that you are thorough and consistent.
  3. Watching what you put in your mouth. Less sugar and fewer carbohydrates make your oral environment less bacteria-friendly. Also, stop smoking and chewing tobacco. By implementing these measures, you will reduce your risk of gum disease, tooth decay, oral cancer, dental stains, and bad breath.
  4. Going to Corley Family Dental twice a year for hygienic cleaning and check-up. Both your hygienist and your dentist check for decay, gum disease, and oral cancer. Your dentist will review their findings and show you what services you need to improve your oral health and make your smile bright and beautiful.
  5. Wearing a mouth guard to protect your teeth and soft oral tissues from cuts and broken teeth if you play a rough sport such as football or hockey. Save yourself a lot of pain and expense—wear this acrylic appliance every single time.


Your oral health is priceless

So, take care of it. Dr. Chad Corley and Dr. Natalie Corley and their staff will help you and your family every step of the way. Call your general dentist at Corley Family Dental in Decatur, IL, with any concerns you have about your oral health: (217) 330-6217.