
Don't Ignore Your Heel Pain

Don't Ignore Your Heel Pain

Have you been struggling with heel pain? Stemming from a number of causes, including plantar fasciitis, stress fractures, tendonitis, arthritis, nerve irritation, injuries, and being overweight, heel pain can lead to deep mobility issues if left untreated, consequently requiring complicated therapy. Fortunately, your foot doctor, Dr. Peter Siroka DPM offers full-service, state-of-the-art podiatric care to patients residing in the Fairfield County area. Read on to learn about treatment options for heel pain.

1. Night Splints - A type of brace that attaches to the foot and lower leg, these devices are worn when you go bed and are designed to hold the feet in a neutral position to gently stretch the Achilles tendon and plantar fascia. This gentle stretching helps to reduce muscle contracture, pain, and swelling.

2. Orthotics - Podiatrist-prescribed orthotic devices (e.g. shoe inserts) are often used to treat heel pain. These inserts provide arch support and cushioning for shock absorption, comfort, and protection. Many studies have shown that orthotic devices improve function and reduce foot pain.

3. Injections - Depending on the reason for your heel pain, your podiatrist may use a minimally invasive injection of corticosteroids to relieve swelling and pain. This provides relief for months on end and even permanently.

4. Stretches - Mounting research has shown that stretching exercises reduce foot pain, decrease swelling, and improve function. With guidance from your foot doctor, you should perform stretching exercises daily to keep foot pain at bay.

5. Medicine - Your doctor may suggest taking painkillers such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen to reduce your pain. Prescription topical pain relievers can be used to treat heel pain. Topical pain medications are available in cream, gel, or lotion form. Prescription medications that contain opioids such as codeine are also useful for treating pain that can't be relieved by OTC medicines. Consult with our Fairfield County office to find out which medication is right for you.

Don't ignore your heel pain. If you need fast pain relief, call Dr. Peter Siroka DPM at (203) 614-8185 right now to schedule a consultation in Stamford, CT. We offer many highly effective, non-surgical solutions to heel pain for those in the Fairfield County area.