
FAQs about Diabetic Foot Care

FAQs about Diabetic Foot Care

Your podiatrist in Stamford, CT, can help your feet when you have diabetes.

Do you have diabetes? If so, you need to find out all you can about how to protect your feet. That’s because diabetes can dramatically affect your extremities, especially your feet and toes. Dr. Peter Siroka in Stamford, CT, offers a full range of foot care services, including treatment for diabetic feet.

These are just a few of the most common questions about diabetic foot care:

How can diabetes affect my feet?

Diabetes causes problems with your immune, circulatory, and nervous systems. Immune system issues can impair your ability to heal. That means if you get a small cut or blister, it can turn into a painful diabetic ulcer. Circulatory issues can cause a lack of blood flow to your feet and toes, potentially causing tissue death and amputations. Nervous system problems can mean that if you injure your feet, you may not feel it. You are also at risk of developing diabetic neuropathy, a painful nerve condition.

What can I do to care for my feet?

There are several important steps you should take on a daily basis. Remember to:

  • Wash and dry your feet thoroughly to lower your risk of infection
  • Apply moisturizing cream to your feet and toes to keep your skin from drying out
  • Check your feet for open sores, cuts, or blisters
  • Apply antibiotic cream and bandage any injured areas to prevent infection
  • Do foot and toe stretches to boost blood flow

How can my podiatrist help my diabetic feet?

Regular foot examinations can help protect your feet. Your podiatrist is an expert at caring for diabetic feet. Dr. Siroka can diagnose and treat foot and toe issues early, so they don’t grow into major foot problems.

You don't have to suffer from diabetic foot issues when help is just a phone call away. To find out more about diabetic foot care and other foot care services, call Dr. Siroka in Stamford, CT, at (203) 614-8185  today!