
Long Term Benefits Of Seeing A Foot Doctor

Long Term Benefits Of Seeing A Foot Doctor

Visiting your Stamford, CT, foot doctor, Dr. Peter Siroka, offers a few advantages you may not have considered. Among the long-term benefits of podiatric care are:

Reduced risk of chronic foot and ankle problems

It's easy to overlook pain in your foot or ankle, hoping that the problem will get better if you just give it another week or month. Unfortunately, the longer you ignore pain or difficulty walking, the more likely you are to develop arthritis in a joint or chronic pain.

Treating injuries and foot and ankle conditions promptly will help you avoid a lifetime of pain or decreased mobility. If you already have arthritis or another foot or ankle condition, regular visits to the foot doctor may help slow the progression of the condition.

No more annoying hip, back, or leg pain

Your hip, back, or leg pain could actually be related to a foot issue. Your feet support your weight and help keep your bones, joints, and muscles properly aligned and balanced. If your feet roll inward or outward when you walk, you may soon feel aches and pains in your hips, legs, or lower back.

Fortunately, your Stamford podiatrist can offer a simple solution for the common problem. He'll design custom shoe inserts called orthotics that properly support your foot, improve alignment, and reduce motion.

Better sports performance

Foot imbalances and other issues can affect your sports performance or increase your risk of injuries. Your foot doctor can analyze your gait and recommend the best type of shoes for your activity. He may also recommend orthotics. In addition to supporting and aligning your foot, the shoe inserts provide a little extra cushioning that makes running, walking, and jumping more comfortable.

Without podiatric treatment, you may spend years wondering why you keep getting hurt or can't break through a plateau, despite making changes to your training routine.

Lower risk of complications if you have diabetes

A broken blister or cut on your foot is much more than a minor annoyance if you have diabetes. Any break in the skin, no matter how small, can quickly become infected. The disease slows healing, increasing the risk that the infection will spread to your foot and leg.

Visiting your podiatrist as soon as you notice open sores, burst blisters, or signs of infections, such as redness, pus, or changes in skin color or sensation can help you protect your feet and legs. Prompt treatment can help you avoid an amputation, which could change your life dramatically.

Are you ready to improve your foot and ankle health with a visit to Dr. Peter Siroka? Call (203) 614-8185 to schedule an appointment with your foot doctor in Stamford, CT.