
Signs You May Have Plantar Fasciitis

Signs You May Have Plantar Fasciitis

About 77 percent of Americans say that they have had trouble with foot pain according to the American Podiatric Medical Association. heel painPlantar fasciitis is the primary cause of heel and foot pain in podiatry patients. It inspires about one million visits to the doctor each year according to a study published in the Journal of the American Osteopathic Association. These are some of the signs that you may have plantar fasciitis, and information on how it can be remedied by Dr. Peter Siroka, a podiatrist serving foot patients in Stamford, CT.

About Plantar Fasciitis 
Plantar fasciitis is a foot condition that causes pain and inflammation underneath the foot. A band of tissue called the plantar fascia reaches from the front of the foot to the heel, keeping your foot properly arched and supported. When it is stretched and irritated from wearing shoes that don’t fit properly or overpronation (rolling the foot inward too much) it causes heel and arch pain. This condition is also called heel spur syndrome because plantar fascia damage could cause painful bone growths to form on the heel.

Signs You Have Plantar Fasciitis
Know the signs of plantar fasciitis (heel spur syndrome) so that you can save your feet from debilitating pain and avoid the need for invasive surgery in the future. These are some of the potential signs to discuss with your Stamford foot doctor: 

- Sharp pain at the heel that causes you to avoid stepping or standing on it.
- Limping while walking.
- Flattening of the foot.
- Redness or bruising at the heel.
- Feeling a small growth of hard tissue on the heel bone (heel spur).

Repairing the Plantar Fascia Ligament
To successfully treat plantar fasciitis, the ligament needs healing, rest, and therapy. Treatments are usually conservative and non-invasive, including icing the foot, wearing custom orthotic inserts, and participating in regular physical therapy visits. Anti-inflammatory medication helps with the discomfort you feel when you walk. An advanced treatment called Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy (ESWT) can stimulate healing by delivering waves of energy to the plantar fascia.

Treating Heel and Arch Pain
If you think that your foot pain may be related to plantar fasciitis, Dr. Siroka can help remedy this condition using effective, conservative foot treatments. Call (203) 614-8185 today to schedule a visit to his office in Stamford, CT.