
Signs You've Sprained Your Ankle

Signs You've Sprained Your Ankle

That throbbing pain in your ankle just may be a sign that you have a sprained ankle. Our Fairfield County, CT, foot doctor, Dr. Peter Siroka,ankle sprain discusses sprains and explains what you can expect if you experience this painful experience.

Ankle sprain signs and symptoms

Tough bands of tissue called ligaments connect the bones in your ankle joint together. When you twist your ankle, step in a hole, or land awkwardly after a jump, the ligaments may stretch or tear, causing a sprain. Common signs and symptoms of a sprained ankle include:

  • Pain: Even mild sprains can cause pain, particularly at the moment you injure your ankle. If you only have a minor sprain, pain may be mild and may only be an issue when you move your ankle or stand. Not surprisingly, more severe sprains can be very painful. Pain can occur even if you're resting, but may quickly intensify the moment you decide to hobble to the bathroom or kitchen.
  • A Disconcerting Sound: Did you hear a popping or snapping sound when you hurt your ankle? The sound effects were probably caused by your ligaments tearing or stretching.
  • Bruising and Swelling: Your body has a built-in response to injury that helps limits damage. As soon as your ligament stretches or tears, your ankle is flooded with white blood cells. The increase in blood flow causes your ankle swell and appear bruised.
  • Trouble Walking: It can be very difficult to walk if you have a sprained ankle, particularly if your ankle is swollen or stiff. If you're unable to put any weight on your ankle, call our Fairfield County office as soon as possible. Your ankle joint may have become unstable due to a severe sprain, or you may have a fracture.

What can I do about a sprain?

Most people consider sprains minor injuries, but severe sprains can affect your ability to walk and may cause chronic pain or arthritis if they're not treated by a podiatrist. If rest, ice, painkillers, and wrapping your ankle don't help your symptoms, or you have severe pain or can't put any weight on your ankle, it's a good idea to visit the foot doctor.

Based on the results of our examination, we may recommend a boot or cast and crutches to relieve pressure on your ankle while it heals and physical therapy to improve the strength of the muscles that provide support to your ankle. If your joint has become unstable, surgery may be necessary.

Protect your ankle with a visit to the foot doctor. Call our Fairfield County, CT, podiatrist, Dr. Siroka, at (203) 614-8185 to schedule your appointment.